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secrets of good luck and success

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4 secrets of good luck and success
Each of us throughout his life trying to get lucky by the tail. We are trying to find ways to make our fortune is always favored. We derive a formula of luck trying to figure out why one lucky permanently and others just the opposite and get into absurd situations.

There are many examples of life when some people are lucky and almost constant throughout, and others that they should not come from - can fail. Psychologist Richard Wiseman of Hertfordshire University, has proved in practice that lucky and the losers do exist. He published an advertisement in several newspapers that will be an experiment in which open to people who consider themselves a potential losers or the incredible lucky.
Everyone who came to this experiment was very thick paper, the job was that, to count the number of pictures in it. One of the pages of this newspaper was a fake, and this was all a trick. Among the advertisements in this newspaper was the announcement read: "Tell the experimenter you saw it, and get a £ 250 reward." This ad has been difficult not to notice, as it was typed in large font and takes up almost half a page!

But notice it, do you think who? He was noticed by all, without exception, "lucky" and have received well-deserved prizes. None of those who came to the experiment as a failure - ads have not noticed! The whole point is that all the losers scrupulously counted photographs and not be distracted by extraneous, ie, they do not pay attention to the text! Experience psychologist Wiseman proved that luck is not a favorable combination of circumstances, success - is our ability and willingness to use them.

In Research on human health have been conducted many experiments have shown that people can really miss the chance to catch a fortune by the tail, because it prevents the so-called circadian rhythm. It turns out that this rhythm are subject to fluctuations in temperature of our body, it depends on the concentration of hormones, the ups and downs of muscular and mental activity, urination.

A person can easily skip past the ears is very advantageous offer of the employer, for example, slightly "got excited". There are cycles, repeated more than once a day, for example, when sleepy. Many of us after dinner reduces the activity, we become listless, inattentive, but what can I say, we simply "klyuem nose." And now imagine that at this very time, when you are overpowered sweet slumber, passes by Bill Gates, to whom you could ask for a job! You have it or do not know or do not notice, or come to your senses is only when it will disappear from view!

And yet, despite the various cycles that reduce our activity, and chances to get lucky, there are ways that can help us fill the ranks of the lucky ones. " In his book "How to get lucky," Richard Wiseman describes the four pillars of luck and 12 practical ways, how can it still caught.

Use your chance!

So the first thing that needs to be done, good luck to knock on your door, according to Richard - do not ignore the chances, which provides you a destiny. You should use every opportunity to change their lives for the better!

Rules for success:

• I am very easy to find a common language with strangers. It is nothing new acquaintance or to turn to a stranger with a request. Interesting people I meet everywhere, wherever I was and how the affair would not do it.

• I am confident that my life is not threatened. I'm quite relaxed about my life, I'm not worried and not worried about it.

• I like the changes and everything new. I'm not afraid to experiment.

Signals good luck!

People Fortov, which as we seem to be constantly driven, always listen to your intuition. That it helps them make the right decisions. What rules should be followed in this case?

Rules for success:

• I am always trust your inner voice and intuition.

• To improve the contact with his inner voice I use special techniques, meditate, love being alone with his inner world.

Meet their luck!

People are lucky in life will never doubt that fortunes will be exactly on their side. Carrying out a regular plan, they sincerely believe that they eventually get lucky.

Rules for success:

• I will never doubt that the future is waiting for me but good.

• I always get from life what I want. Between the chances of success, and my efforts there is no relationship, I still get what you want.

• On my path of life has always come across good and interesting people. I am surrounded by wonderful friends whom I trust and on whom I can always count on.

Extract lessons from failures and turn them into success!

In fact, all successful people occasionally fail, but unlike the losers who are starting to make this event a vital drama - lucky extract lessons from failures and benefits.

Rules for success:

• Any event that is happening in my life has some positive features.

• I take from any adverse events lessons and benefits.

• No nuisance can not make me suffer long.

• I'm not just the mistakes of others, but also on its own.

To summarize the above, then the formula of luck is made up of small and quite complex in execution of rules: do not fear change, to listen to your intuition, take each failure lesson that brings you closer to victory. We are creators of their own destiny, we can easily get lucky and a very long time not to let her out of the hands only need to believe in themselves and not be afraid of change.

Edith Piaf, did not immediately become a great singer, his path to fame she began a street tramp. Roman Abramovich's nobody left multimillion-dollar inheritance, because he did not have rich parents - he was an orphan, but today his condition has $ 12 billion. The famous Coco Chanel, a student of the orphanage was able to become the most important figure in the history of fashion XX-th century. Good luck accompanies each of us far more than we can imagine. Our task is to see and take advantage of it!

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