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steps 12 of every mans life have a look to the future

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12 steps of every man's life - have a look to the future

Throughout our lives we all go through 12 stages, corresponding to the zodiac. And there's the point of life, which moves at a speed of 4.3 degrees per year, starting his way in Aries and ending in Pisces. We can always determine exactly what problems confront us in a particular age. Each of us must carry out its program in a particular age, and eventually his whole life. See how you are the program of life, draw your own conclusions.

From 0 to 7 years

The point of life at this age, moving on very smartly sign - Aries. In the bustling energy of the babies, they are restless and curious, immediately want to know everything about everything, and there is no force that could stop them. And do not hold the child at that age, on the contrary, we should give him more freedom, because it is very important to assert themselves and show their abilities.

The task of parents - to instill a sense of the child with love and compassion for others, not to let develop selfishness and cruelty. After all, the motto of this age and Aries: "I want!" Do not let your child hurt animals and other kids, learn care of nature, bring the power of will. If you fail to instill these qualities of a child up to seven years - not privete ever!

From 7 to 14 years

The point of life moves to kurkulistomu Taurus. So, gentlemen, parents do not indulge in all material desires and whims of their offspring. At this stage of life you must learn to control their emotions, especially anger and aggression. Need to develop and train your memory. Try the "cultural", but firmly, to form a circle of friends teenager, because at this age, it accumulates negative energy of the crowd that may occur later in the cruelty and intolerance towards others. But do not insulate the child from peers. Of great importance is the place for their meetings and the atmosphere. It is also important to lay the foundations of a system of education. Try to have more children learned various study material, the more - the better. At this age your child is quite easy to instill a love for art and aesthetics. The most suitable time for training in music and art schools. And in 13-14 years should be to vaccinate and to form a correct attitude to his ancestors and roots. One can speculate on philosophical themes. Already - it's time!

From 15 to 21 years
Point moves in the sign of Gemini. It is time to actively develop the intelligence and independent thinking. In 15-16 years, a man enters into society, where their laws and regulations that need to learn how to observe, that the public accepted it. Need to get rid of a nesobrannost, irresponsibility and desire for gossip and speculation. Parents it is time to do sex education of their children and then themselves all know (well, actually, I think these recommendations about sex education out of date, start it before). At this age, useful travel a lot, learn the cultures of other countries, to absorb a variety of information.

From 21 to 28 years

The point of life - in Cancer. This is a very important stage in the life of every human being. Main objective - improving the internal world, forming their own system of values based on the experience of older generations. Pursuing self-awareness and spiritual perfection, one should try to get rid of many of the negative qualities: suspiciousness, isolation from others, greed. The most difficult thing in this age group - 25-26 years to overcome the threshold, when a man obsessed with the desire to quit and start a new life. During this period, it is important to make the right choice, because many already have family. Often the rash actions of life not only to break him, but close. In order to not make mistakes, you need to develop strong spiritual bond with their parents and relatives, just the older generation. In the difficult situation they can really help in both word and deed. 25-26 years - the most auspicious time for the birth of children, as they take over from parents the best qualities of their personality.

From 28 to 35 years

The point of life is in Leo. Begin to show a tendency to adventurism, alcoholism, drug addiction, is the influx of energy, which not everyone can correctly use, many are beginning to spend it in vain, indulging in pleasures and amusements, are often empty and worthless. The best means to combat the temptations - study of philosophy, religion, reading books, which raise the morality and purity of soul. It is very important to choose the right philosophical concept, not to go into sectarianism, not accumulate negative energy that can destroy a person. The tipping point - up to 32 years. With 28 years of family problems into the background, mostly became his own ego. A man tries to prove himself in the team to be noticed, appreciated. In 29 years, first summarizes his life. For women, a very important period - 32 years. Time change of feelings, review their personal relationships. In this age of frequent divorce, make new love affairs. Should try to analyze the past, to weigh the pros and cons, do not shoot from the hip once. New feelings can last a long, sometimes only a year.

From 35 to 42 years

The point of life is in Virgo. The time is coming when people have to give most of the energy accumulated in the previous period. Needed clarity and methodical in their approach to solving various problems. Favorable time for professional growth and marriages of convenience. Age from 37 to 38 years - the karmic checking, verification of societies. This is the first test of how you comply with the principles of the Zodiac, whether its life program. And if not, then you will be sentenced in a variety of vital issues: termination of employment, serious illness, betrayal of friends.

During this period, it is necessary to pay close attention to your health. It is worth to pay attention to your diet, try not to zashlakovyvat body. At the age of the Virgin in the character may appear unpleasant features: grouchiness, meticulously, avarice, disregard for the feelings and needs of others. But the main thing - get ready for the very responsible in their life cycle - 42 years - half-cycle of Uranus, when the point of living life crosses the Equator. At this age, many are trying to change their lives, as they think, the better: changing family, workplace, residence, hobbies.

From 42 to 49 years

The point of life moves in the sign of Libra. In this period a person is trying to surrender to creatively selected in 1942 case. This age is also called "Indian summer" when it's harmony and maturity in personal and social life. All that has been accumulated in previous years, analyzed, systematized and awaits implementation. Home planet of Libra - Venus. It was she who directs man in his quest to build strong harmonious connection, follow the laws of morality and ethics in business and feelings. During this period, necessary to establish social connections, get a new job, to show his organizational skills and overcome weaknesses. Such as, for example, self-centeredness, selfishness, a tendency to dictate. Opportune time to develop the talents, if you have them.

From 49 to 55 years

Time of Scorpio. Difficult and critical period in the life of any person - especially women. Necessary to change long-established views, it is very easy to do. Breaking is difficult and painful. On the physical plane, many often have cancer, many (especially in 1952) observed sexual syndrome - increased sexual dissatisfaction. At the age of Scorpio man has great power and self-destructive pursuit of goals at times ready to go for broke. Need to control their emotions, in any case are not confined to himself and not to engage in soul-searching.

Often go out, meet friends, engage in the study of psychology, creativity, and collective activities. This period is favorable for the opening and improvement of magical and occult powers. Especially prone to this woman in 52 years. For those who up to that time led unrighteous lives, fate provides a chance to improve, abandon delusions and begin to live on an entirely new philosophical principles.

From 56 to 63 years

At this age, the point of life moves in the sign of Sagittarius. Man begins to rush in philosophy or religion. Many appear fussy thirst for knowledge, which they did not have time to get used to it. Want to know several of Sciences, various philosophical movements. But as a rule, it is not possible. Mercury is in prison, and, grabbing a lot, people do not get results at all. Try to choose one thing and explore the subject more deeply. In 56 years, a person passes another test discourse. Here are manifested all the mistakes and blunders committed at the age of 37 and 38 years. Who came up properly for this stage of his career, he held high positions in society. Not authenticated do not reach the set goals and go on a holiday.

From 63 to 70 years

The point of life moves in the sign of Capricorn. Is last chance! It was in 1963 is the last choice of a man when he can, if desired to change their lives. Anyone who commits a wrong choice, usually dies or badly it breaks. Especially for people who want to create another family: 90% of cases it does not work. The old one can destroy, create a new - almost unreal.

At the age of Capricorn must abandon some stereotypes finalized standard, a philosophical core and learn how to give a clear assessment of each phenomenon, each event, but in any case not to impose their views and listen carefully to their opponents. It is very important to build relationships with their loved ones properly, because many in this age of trying to prove to them despotism. Try to work out a diplomacy, the ability to compromise.

From 70 to 77 years

Time of Aquarius. Time of contemplation of life, philosophical view on it, look outside observer. Throughout the life of a man changes his attitude toward the world, changing priorities. As a child, we say: "I". In his youth: "I and the world." At maturity: "The World and Me". At the age of Aquarius is just "peace." This fourth stage of perception - the most important in understanding life and its place in it. If over the years is the perception of the world does not come, the spiritual qualities of man are beginning to fade, he falls into insanity, which inevitably leads to the collapse of the physical body. Time of Aquarius - the time enjoying the solitude or seclusion with his family half as vital program has been implemented. But, enjoying life, to show wisdom and humanity, while the surrounding will respect you for your thoughtfulness, fairness and a deep knowledge of the laws of life.

From 77 to 84 years

The point of life moves in the sign of Pisces - complete life cycle. For a man, everything is clear, he feels the connection with nature, togetherness with her. There comes a spiritual, cosmic harmony. The man enjoys life. Anyone who properly distribute the life force, this time to travel, learn other people's culture, filling the gap in knowledge of all things earthly. It was during this period, highly spiritual people are connecting to cosmic sources. Person merges with the cosmos, but - sometimes he want to return to Earth. And - everything. Agree, there's something to think about ...

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