Connection. Enjoyable Recreation, new friends, buying luxury items; love affairs, sex, birth of children.
Favorable aspects. Bring satisfaction of soul and feeling, harmony, love. Foster's marriage to his wife, mistress, bride's sister, who was born. Sympathy. Provides a good kidney assimilation, a good balance of various body functions. Good venous circulation. Glands and hormonal currents enhance overall health.
Unfavorable aspects. Disappointment in love, domestic unhappiness, unpopularity, loss of sympathy, the obstacles to women's health (diseases of the stomach, such as the abdomen), skin disease, kidney weakness, difficult venous circulation. Notes fatigue or wear of the organism as a result of abuse. Diseases of the glands and poor hormonal control, a disagreement in a marriage, a break with his mistress, eccentricity sequence spendthrift, squandering, illness of his wife, the mother (in daylight birth), his mistress.