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ways 20 to ruin relationships

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20 ways to ruin relationships
So many articles written about how to build a harmonious relationship that should be done to the union was long and hard as to find their half as happy to make yourself and your partner. And here's an article about how one should behave in order to stay up with nothing is not so much. And, true, why do we need such an article? Perhaps then, to reflect and draw the correct conclusions.

Psychics and healers are convinced that our health and fortune depends on whether we are able to love and love is us sometime. Many women are encountering the very unique not tired improve their partner while completely ignoring their own far from ideal quality. And then these women can not understand why the man, whom they seem to be surrounded by care and want only the best from them is gone?

So what should you do to the man you gave:

1. Jealous partner, with or without cause at the same time, constantly reprimanding him what he was a womanizer, Don Juan, that to him your relationships do not mean anything, etc. Know that the surest way to lose a man, because over time he comes to a simple but fair truth - it is better to be than the pass for ...

2. Constantly tell him that he consulted to work with you or with someone from the staff, it is certainly well done and professional, but who knows what! Never question the professional ability of his men, it hurts just as if you doubted his male power.
3. Extoll familiar men placing them in an example of her husband. Or give compliments to men in the presence of its second half. And whether or not then be surprised when your partner make room for more worthy challenger?

4. Sure that the pockets and purses for your favorite! Also do not forget the cell phone, because nobody knows who he calls and sends SMS, and suddenly you have long been a rival! Nothing so undermines the relationship, as distrust and encroachment on personal space, so before you dig into his pockets so think about it.

5. Do not forget to remind the faithful of his former passion, while scandals and quarrels! At the same time pronouncing that he would probably much better off with someone from the former mistresses than with you! If you repeat it often, then, eventually, the man you will agree.

6. Every day at dinner elicits where and with whom and for what reason have met your beloved. At first, your husband will come back later, for example, when you are sleeping, to avoid such inquiries, and then completely gather veshchichki - and be healthy!

7. Forbid her husband "small pleasures", like "beer on Fridays with my friends, no friends - you're his best friend! In doing so, you not only deprive him of contact with friends, you are of him doing henpecked!

8. Praise rarely - often scold! Believe me, very soon there is one that caress and appreciate, unlike you!

9. Negative perception of his parents and flatly refuses to communicate with them! His mother, hysterical, and my dad spineless, you are not going to tolerate their presence in the house! Speaking badly about his parents, remember one thing - the parents do not choose, despite your sympathy for the husband is the most expensive people!

10. Take a beloved check feelings, flirting with men, let the husband keeps his hand on the pulse! Do not be surprised if one day you ulichat of infidelity and you will be nothing to beat them, because you always gave rise to jealousy!

11. Tell the children what their unlucky father, what his weaknesses, it is desirable to do so with her husband. Leaving from you for another woman, he will lead you to a weighty reason for such action - in this family did not respect even their own children ...

12. Get my husband back home in time, any delay is regarded, as disrespect to you and roll up a huge scandal about it. Soon, you'll appreciate the benefits of their behavior - the husband does not want to go back to the house, which resembles the institution of strict regime.

13. Often spend holidays apart, all right - from each other need to rest, but who said that your husband will rest in splendid isolation?

14. In the presence of strangers make comments to her husband, and that there is such, if guilty - let him answer for his actions! Very soon, your man will think, but is it worth to be with a woman who not only what he sees in me only the bad, and even humiliate me in public?

15. Learn to drive better husband and when he was behind the wheel constantly comment on his professionalism.

16. Radically change the appearance, it is desirable to change beyond recognition, and anything that your husband does not like blondes, and he so liked your hair long. But all the friends to approve your hair short and blond hair.

17. In a fit of rage called her husband names of various animals, in the end, he will propose to link their fate with a normal man, but not the goat, who is now with you.

18. Invites solely their relatives and friends, as they do you have such wonderful, not that of the husband. As a result, your faithful will go to the house where his relatives would be welcome.

19. Do not go to the movies and the theater with her husband, with him so bored with his girlfriend more interesting, we can discuss the actors, plot, sex scenes. In the end, he'll offer to stay with a friend, once you are so much fun together.

20. Reproach her husband, that he knew nothing about raising children, well, still, you have these same skills in the blood, and he does it, why should?

Good advice will help keep the family together

I think that many women read the writing, and found at least a couple of items that are firmly entrenched in their lives. Try to reconsider its attitude to the man who beside you. No wonder they say, the water wears away a stone. It would seem, not so that's offensive statements and actions over time negate even the most solid relationship. Women often do not realize that the man next to them ceases to be a person of their desire to fully take over his life, his thoughts, his goals as a result of depriving the men of the most expensive that is, each of us - freedom. Freedom of choice, freedom of thought, freedom of action, etc. You can not tell a man to be around, you can surround him with love and care, and he once again did not want somewhere with friends to drink beer. Love does not tolerate humiliation and distrust. Partnership implies equality, if not, then it is no longer partners.

You can make an infinite number of tips, but it will give nothing, unless you come to understand many things. I've had a history of life, unfortunately, with a sad ending. My friend was getting married not just for sympathy, it was a very strong feeling, passion, romance. I have rarely met such a relationship, and it seemed nothing could destroy them, people are just made for each other. But, alas, a few years later the pair broke up, and not because of another woman whose husband just left my friend and went to live with their parents. It all began with the very small - he could not make coffee, then brew a rather weak or too bitter. At first she made fun of him, saying that the men take. Then it started to irritate her, they say, how many times have I told you how to brew, and you still can not figure out! Then came the comparisons, here's Tanya's husband is not the coffee that he breakfasts are prepared and brought to bed, and you as much as possible about this request? Your coffee drinking is impossible, let alone what you cook, it is terrible to be there! There were other items that I wrote, for example, the husband's parents have always been persona non grata in their home. As a result, the man could not accept the fact that in it for the years of married life crushed, especially a man - strong, forceful, decisive. My friend still thinks him guilty of the separation, she also tried to him! By the way, now he has another family, and he still does not know how to cook breakfast and coffee, but it is not necessary, because it makes his wife!

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