8 working situations of conflict - tips to resolve
It would seem that life and so complicated and difficult to even further darken its various unconformities and open conflict. But there's nothing you can do, we are all different, and we have different interests and views on life and some of its aspects are different, too. And although the conflict is not a quarrel, and no scandals, a situation in which conflicting interests of two or more people, there are ways to resolve them, as well as some techniques that allow them to avoid.
Sometimes they just need
There are certain situations in which the conflict - the only possible way of its development. In these cases, to conflict is necessary because without this problem is resolved:
1. A person can not perform your duties, or infringes on your rights.
If a colleague of their ability, and her position is required to make your project our part, but does not want something going with him on the conflict, and reporting on the status of the head, you achieve professional success, though, and forced to destroy the good relationship. At work, you should always give preference to one option, which benefits business, not personal relationships.
2. The head does not allow you and your colleagues to grow professionally.
Your direct boss is bad doing his job, due to which suffer not only you but all who depend on it. If you know how to achieve financial success, the ideas you have the right to present to the higher management, bypassing the immediate supervisor. No doubt you're going to conflict, but this conflict is justified, if you have the support and your assumptions and calculations are correct. One small "but" this will only work in private organizations. And one more advice - from such a conflict, consider alternate.
3. Subordinates, who want to take your position, provoke conflict.
If you are the boss, from time to time you have to prove their compliance office. And if the male teams this happens rarely and established a hierarchy of well-respected, female-dominated teams in the struggle for power goes into a "guerrilla war", but does not stop.
4. If colleagues are trying to insult or hurt your dignity.
Anybody and never let the insult and mock him. You come to work for certain tasks, there is no place personal attacks and inappropriate remarks. If you go into open conflict, do not be afraid to accept the challenge, as an open struggle - it is an opportunity to win the respect of their interests.
Before join in the combat
Before we take up the challenge and go for a conflict, try to honestly answer the following questions:
1. Is it possible to settle the matter by some other means?
2. Is there any point in the confrontation?
3. What would be your action if a winner fails?
Cases in which there is no point to go to conflict.
1. If a conflict arose due to mismatch of views.
This conflict has nothing to do professional work. Quite often shared conversations in the office, which affect various everyday topics can lead to a sharp deterioration in relations between colleagues, simply because they see the world from different perspectives. Intolerance of other people's ideologies can haunt later in some sort of professional matters. Think it worth it?
2. If the cause of the conflict serves as your dissatisfaction with the morality of someone's behavior.
Nobody gives us the right to condemn other people, everyone has the right to do as he sees fit in any given situation. Do not get in the position of arbitrator, moreover, that in most cases you do not have any right to it. Your conviction will not index your goodness, but it will cause a conflict.
3. If you do not like someone's habits
Change people, in accordance with our ideas about how should or should not behave in an intelligent man, we, hand on heart, confess - we can not. If you have something does not suit the other, much easier to change their attitude towards it or configure the environment so that these habits have on you the minimum negative impact.
4. If you criticize
Nobody would argue that criticism, regardless of whether rightly or wrongly, is always painful. We are very sensitive to criticism, and it does not depend on who criticize us - friends or foes. But the criticism must be treated very carefully. She almost never groundless. That criticism allows us to see our weaknesses and become better. If you are criticized unfairly, then the person who expresses criticism, something does not suit you, but he can not or do not want to admit it. Analyze the situation and draw some conclusions.