35 years or a midlife crisis
Midlife crisis ... About him know anyone who stepped threshold of adulthood, and was horrified to wait, and when he touches as well. True, it takes a very peculiar way. Sufficiently eloquent example of this, perhaps, may be, the expectation of almost every second woman, after thirty years, that her husband is about to "sleep" and'll have some fun with the young, because, as wrote the majority of psychological journals, just so he will fight the creeping senility . And do you think her husband is disappointed? No, of course. Spree uniquely, thus confirming its expectations. Though not necessarily with a young ... Only here it's not a crisis of "middle age". And the materiality of thought here is not to blame. It is quite specific reasons: not used wife sat in the kitchen with her friends every day, do not have complained about the rapidly departing youth, would not pilila husband from morning to evening, and would be particularly cheerful and active, you see, and not be bored him. Nor would he seek adventure on the side to escape the boredom and the language of evil wife.
Midlife crisis is perceived mainly as a period when a person irrevocably broke with her youth, her reckless, carefree, careless, with the possibility of impunity in love and infinite kink, to prove to the world that you're special, unusual, etc. Many such a threshold moment believe his thirtieth birthday. They believe that at this age people should be held, to get a home, family, achieve certain professional heights, and in front of him just old age, with all its unattractive manifestations: Disease, senility, exclusion and loneliness.

Fear of imminent loss of life force is sometimes prolonged the Depression, when any activity, including basic care for themselves, reduced to zero. These exhausting blues and depression give way to a completely unmotivated and ill-considered gusts to change their place of residence, work, style of dress, talk. Irritability and dissatisfaction were escorted throughout this period. Many women have noticed a number of perfectly normal physiological changes that have literally shocked. Completely dismissing the idea that each age has its pluses unambiguous, they unwittingly destroy their lives, complicate it, and, ultimately, does not adequately aging rapidly, becoming quite angry furies, with brightly painted lips and wonder what color hair.
And, so as not to become victims of this "terrible" phenomenon, let's take a detailed look at what's going on with the female body and soul on the verge of final maturity. Let's find out: can attack the thirtieth aspect, which should sum up life? Probably, it was that way 50 years ago. Thirty women were freed from the hassle with an already grown-up children, and sat down, wrapped in a shawl of Orenburg, in the chair, knitting a sock or a scarf. They lived in the memories of my youth ended so early, were unremarkable clothes, and, most interestingly, did not even try anything to change, learn something. If we take into account that the old age is inevitably accompanied by loss of interest in life, then this is what happened with most of our counterparts in those years. For thirty years they began to lose its inherent features of young people, ceased to be interested in fashion, cosmetics, men. The situation in the country was formed is really critical.
Roughly, during that period and was the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", which was made famous: "In forty years, life has just begun." Yes, and "Office Romance" also showed the possibility of happiness is not in young women. Can not say that, only it was the boom in birth rates in the 70's, but one of the factors for the strengthening of women's identity is unique. Unfortunately, in what the Russian state policy was not to resolve conflicts age of the soul, but open borders still made some adjustments.
Everything has changed. Modern possibilities of Cosmetology can look ten years younger, and the trend towards family for thirty years and furnishing the offspring of more later, do not show the transformation of views on the duration of his youth. Therefore, what kind of summing up the life outcomes, can we talk? Why should a midlife crisis, if next to us had just appeared favorite people, and children are still very small and not independent? On the professional heights, too, say it is too early. Throughout the world, to 30-35 years in people, tried their hand at different areas, but are determined by where and by whom they would like to work, how and what to achieve.
History Condoleezza Rise and Irina Hakamada, who started his career by modern standards, fairly late, clearly demonstrates that the accumulated experience allows us to make quick and brilliant career, and the main factor here is not age, but the desire, commitment and confidence in their abilities. Thus, talk about reaching middle age of fifty years earlier, in our view, completely inadequate reality, and reassessment of values, the definition of vital targets is needed at any age and no relation to the age crisis has not.
So, why then is closer to thirty, we lose the rest and sleep, annoyed by trifles, and frantically trying to change the course of his seemingly current life. If we look at the physiology, in this period, many women are first confronted with the symptoms of pre-and post-menstrual syndrome, which through advertising know everything, but up to 30 years, suspect that they - the rare lucky who escaped it. Incidentally, the majority of journals and broadcasts carefully exaggerated theme of women's ill health "these days" is not to suggest that faced with these symptoms in adolescence only a small percentage of "loser." And although this problem is not taken to see a doctor advise to do it all the same wish. In addition to the regular, visiting the gynecologist (twice a year) creates a strong belief in early detection of such a terrible but well-curable in the early stages of the disease such as cancer of the cervix.
Another physiologic quite a nuisance at this age - is slowing metabolism: the body begins to burn 100-200 calories less than before, so even despite the fact that a woman eats, as before, she begins to gradually gain weight. Solution to this problem lies in the attitude towards it. Think for yourself, do so very well be too thin? Because excessive angularity to the face only, perhaps, the mannequins so stupid teenagers, exasperating a diet. What is an adult woman? After the 30 already stupidly portray innocent thin and pale Turgenev girl. Maybe we have to turn to other ideals, corresponding to a known destination of old women?
Well, you see, is hardly a woman, exasperating a diet, shining protruding collarbones and hip bones, are able to be a good housewife, wife, mother, or to make a spectacular career. It simply will not be on this strength. In addition, monotonous, very limited diet, may adversely affect and health, which is known, it is necessary to protect youth. Individual attention, I think, deserves a tip that is increasingly being implemented, at what he gives people very far from medicine and touted as a panacea for painless weight loss. Various cleansing the intestines and liver and also reception of various drugs in the form of teas and biological additives - are harmful. At home if conditions in the clinic, no matter where, but to conduct such procedures without medical supervision - it's like to put over a dangerous experiment (may or may not). And by the way, no one who lost weight so can not boast of maintaining the effect for a long time. The body after such a humiliation begins to absorb nutrients like a sponge. Excess weight back very quickly, and get rid of it this way will have hardly possible. So the plan of action in the fight to regain good shape rather prosaic, simple and all known. Regular meals, small meals 4-5 times a day, fasting days, as well as physical exercise, and moderate, so as not to repeat the fate of famous foreign actresses that put health on the altar of female attractiveness and nurture a new disease, known as overtraining. Yoga and Pilates will not bring quick radical changes shape, but will add flexibility to the spine, joint mobility, balance and confidence. But mental health is at the core of our attitude, ability to positively perceive the world around us. It's not for nothing that says that all events in the life of themselves are neutral, and only our perception shapes their emotional background.
So, to sum up. Accept the temporary difficulties of growing women over unresolved controversy is meaningless. Thirty years - is certainly foreign countries, however, separates youth from old age. This threshold of adulthood. It was during this period the person is released from the youthful insecurity, excessive shyness, nervousness. The world around us becomes clearer. Throwing his youth left behind. Vital targets are clear. Time and effort to achieve them are available. All this is true, believe me. Otherwise how would come from the statistics that over 80% of women feel happier with each passing year, and most of the thirties no longer weep for their anniversary and does not hide its age.