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Vedic Astrology


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Expert advice on Vedic Astrology, Vastu and Gems. Authentic and learned astrologer from India.

Shastri, Acharya, Pracharya, Vaastu Manishi, Jyotish Martand, Jyotish Praveen, Jyotish Visharad, Jyotish Shiromini, Jyotish Marmagya

Acharya Anupam Jolly Maitreya is a much acclaimed astrologer practicing Vedic Astrology. Being a native of Jaipur, India, the hub of this ancient learning, he got attracted to this science at a very young age when he had barely finished his schooling. Even before undertaking any professional course in Jyotish, he had already read many ancient manuscripts on the subject, such as Brhatparasara Horosastra and Samarangana Sutradhara. Later on, his passion for the subject drew him into undergoing every possible curriculum available on the subject, each time passing out with distinctions. The distinguishing quality of Anupam's grip on the subject is that he likes to interpret astrology in scientific perspective rather than the traditional views that are still being practiced by the majority of astrologers. Himself a science student at the university level, such is his perspicacity on the subject that he has an appeal for the rationally minded and believers alike. Anupam believes that nature has bestowed the sixth sense on every individual. To peep into the future, one needs to harness this ability as an art by being more sensitive and intuitive and then have frontage on the Vedic astrology as a science. For more than a decade now, he has devoted his life to spread this sacred learning through research, teaching and counselling. His services in the field have earned him recognition and honours from all the top astrological institutes in the country. He says- Astrology has lost its sheen not because of growing science but due to existence of fraudsters in this field. The only way to restore faith is to promote authentic knowledge and root out the imposters. Besides astrology, Vastushastra, the Vedic architectural principals, is another field Acharya Anupam is passionate about. Many individuals and corporate houses have benefitted from his deep insight into the subject.

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