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Astra means stars and astrology is logic in greek language so it makes like logic of stars as you can guess it deals with planets and stars.
Professional western astrologer and psychic, Karmic astrology, Medical astrology
Hello guys this is SolsticeEv and i am a professional western astrologer and psychic.Some of you do not know what astrology really is so first of all i would like to explain what astrology really is.Astrology is a social science.Astra means stars and logy is logic in greek language so it makes like logic of stars as you can guess it deals with planets and stars.Astrology covers all kinds of live events from marriage, career,money,health to talents etc.There are many types of Astrology such as horary which you ask specific question and get the answer according to the current planet positions and aspects, Karmic astrology which deals with past lives, Medical astrology which deals with health issues and diet etc...
1.Q.What i need to get an astrological reading ?
A. First of all you have to have credits to take me to private for the consultation.Secondly
You have to provide me full date of birth, exact time of birth, and place of birth.
2.Q Where can i find my exact time of birth ? If i do not know, will it matter ?
A. In order to calculate your unique birth chart i need to know your exact time of birth otherwise you will get unaccurate results so before you take me to private chat please be ensure about your exact time of birth otherwise you will only waste your credits and i do not want that to happen.Astrology based on time every 4 minute 1 rising sign degree changes and that affects the reading.You can ask to your parents, you may get it from your birth hospital or if you are U.S.A citizen you can get it through your birth certificate.
3.Q My sign is Sagittarius and my boyfriend’s sign is Scorpio are we compatible with each other ?
A.Both yes and no because you can’t match only sun sign to another sun sign.Every person’s chart is unique and we have more than sun sign such as moon,mercury,venus,mars,jupiter,saturn,pluto the whole chart should be taken into consideration in order to say yes or no.
4.Q Can synastry chart explain to me the future of my relationship with my boyfriend/girlfriend?
A. Astrologically i can tell the potentials of where the relationship will go in which area will be afflicted and what can you do in order to raise your relationship for this I need his birth information as well.
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