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I encourage you all to be more aware of life in general and to develop your skills, but you should know that it is never easy.

psychic and Tarologiste Hungarian, cartomancy, love and relationship, tarot reading etc.

Welcome to my site. Let me introduce myself in a few words, as the methods by which I work.

I am a psychic and Tarologiste Hungarian. I worked in this field for seven years. This is a really conscious and continuous from me, and although the spirituality I help others, I think life is a place where you can never ceased to grow. Skills of clairvoyance are present in everyone, because God gives characteristics to everyone for all of us, there are only people who can consciously realize and work with them, and there are others who don ' are not aware of, or simply do not know what to do with these skills. So, personally, I encourage you all to be more aware of life in general and to develop your skills, but you should know that it is never easy. I think we all 'work' for ourselves in our lives, we also own - nobody solve anything for us. We must constantly be aware of the Law of Attraction - for me, it is the basis of conscious life.

WHAT IT IS, cartomancy?

Using maps we can clarify situations in detail, the issues referring to emotions, health, financial affairs, thoughts, connecting reasons and causes, results and their consequences, almost everything. You should know that the Tarot picks resonances of the past, present and future. Whenever you ask something about your past and present, you might be surprised that the answers are correct. Regarding the future, there are many events written 'in advance', but we also have 4% of free will, by which we can build and destroy. So, in the future, Tarot gives you directions, suggestions and also show you what is inevitable, also if you have the right to make your choice. Regarding working with the third eye or the senses, be aware that they are based on the establishment of a connection on your energies. For best results, you should at least try to be in a calm state of mind that mediation is more accurate.

My favorite area is the prediction of loving relationships. Love (agape love) resonance is the highest in the universe, and it is the energy without which no one can get anywhere. We have wills and wishes, goals and objectives, dreams and intentions - without love nothing is possible. As I see, many people confuse love with something else: fear, possession, jealousy, control. Let me help you realize if you have such energies present in your life so that you could find the love that you aspire.

I am ready to share with you some interesting experiences to me about life after death. If you have been involved and you want to talk, you're welcome.

Decks I work with are: 1. Deck the Pictorial Key - should consider all matters in detail 2. The Tarot of Sexual Magic - a brilliant game that is developed to examine questions of love in a very impressive 3. Tarot Kazanlar - which is very rare and most profound each card has mythological references and these cards are able to look to the future in a wonderful way.

I beg you to observe that I work here and chat is free to advise and give us the chance to make a connection. I do not draw cards or make predictions in a private conversation. But if you want to share your thoughts, or problems your thoughts with me veulliez do. If you need concrete answers to concrete questions of my cards, you are kindly requested to come and do a private conversation with me.

When you enter my chat, enter with love, please, I'm here to help you. God bless you on your journey, I wish you a good day and I have a wonderful life!

"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, let me sow pardon.
Where there is discord, I may bring union.
Where there is error, I may bring truth.
Where there is doubt, I may bring faith.
Where there is despair, I may bring hope.
Where there is darkness, let me sow light.
Where there is sadness, I may bring joy.

O Lord, I seek not so much to
be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we find ourselves,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. "/ Saint Francis of Assisi /

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