I get a lot of questions about exactly how I read, so first let me explain my most important rule and my gifts.
Tarot, Auric Sight, Aura Cleansing, Clairempathy, Medium, Dream Interpretation
Highly Accurate Tarot, Auric Sight, Aura Cleansing, Clairempathy, Medium, Dream Interpretation
I get a lot of questions about exactly how I read, so first let me explain my most important rule and my gifts.
I want to explain to you exactly how I met my Guide because that is often overlooked and very important. I have had two Near Death Experiences (NDEs). I met my Guide during the first one. The way she helps me read is that I meditate before I come on to Oranum specifically with Binaural Tones in order to connect with her and ask her to watch over my readings and give me directions. I have a lot of stories about her, we have quite a funny relationship. I have a crystal specifically for connecting with her and I always place it at the Significator position on the Tarot Spread, which is the position that describes you in that very moment. Due to space I can use in my profile, if you would like to talk about that please bring it up in Chat I love talking about her :)
I use The Tarot as a tool to organize the information I receive from all of my other gifts. I specifically use them for timeline purposes. A tarot deck literally fell of the shelf in front of me at a bookstore one day and I have used that deck ever since. I do not follow a book, however I do use a traditional 10 card spread in order to get the most detail and largest timeline. The first reading I ever did was on myself. I very rarely do this, maybe 5 times in my life thus far. I took every card and wrote notes on it based on my intuition of what it meant. After I did my first reading I wrote down every card and what it meant to me. Six months later I went back and all of it had fallen perfectly in line. I pride myself on my time frames.
This gift was the hardest for me to develop, it did not come to me without great effort. I took months meditating specifically on this gift for two or three hours a day. When it happened, it was kind of funny, because I was in an argument with my partner at the time. All of a sudden I could see it and I said "What is that around your head!?". I could not control it at first, it was hard to even drive. I can now turn it on or off. I have to see you on webcam or a picture in an E-Mail reading in order to see it. The aura I see in a picture will represent the emotions and energies at that specific moment. For instance, if your question concerns a relationship the most recent picture of the two of you will give me an idea of what is surrounding you. Aura cleansing I do in free chat, I advise on how to do it yourself. There are other Psychics on Oranum who can do this for you in Private and I can refer them to you without a problem if that is what you seek.
I get the most questions about this gift. Clairempathy is entirely different from empathy. What this means, is that I
directly feel the exact emotion you are going through. If you read through my testimonials you can see this. Also if you talk to my regulars they can tell you about it. This has at times almost brought me to tears, because I am incredibly honest. I do not tell you what you want to hear, I tell you what you need to hear. Because I can feel your emotions I am very in tune with how to break it to you if it is bad news. I have also been driven to tears of laughter due to the joy that a reading brought someone. I may take more breaks on days that I have particularly emotional readings, please stick around, I am simply meditating to ground myself in order to better help you.
This is the first psychic gift I ever received. At age 3 I had my first paranormal experience. I vividly see spirits of
the deceased, can communicate with them, and spirits of "other" origins malicious and benign. The way I can help you is this: If you are encountering a spirit, I can tell you why it's there, if it's family, what is making it mad, how to
make peace with the benevolent and get rid of the malicious FOR GOOD. I do not currently use a Ouija, the last time I did I was so young that I could not control what came through and I ended up with a mess on my hands. I am working on developing the skills to protect myself and control who I speak with. I will use Ouija in the future, but I will only do E-Mail readings for this as I have to be totally alone, focused, centered, protected, and not in my own home.
**Dream Interpretation**
I am very detailed and involved in dream interpretation. I don't just tell you what the symbols mean, I tell you what
the dream is trying to show you specifically in your waking life and how to deal with it. I need every single major and minute detail that you can remember down to specific colors textures and feelings. This takes me a long time to tie all together with your personal life. The E-mail reading is 14.99 which is a steal considering to do all this in a Private session would cost incredibly more than I am willing to charge for assistance with a gift I feel so passionate about. I can also tell you how to stop recurring dreams FOR GOOD.
Finally, my name is Gen :) I encourage you to come back after a Private because there might be a few things I wanted to add. After some time has passed, please return to Free Chat and we can talk about it there. I do take notes and I will remember your situation. I encourage people to "hang out" all they want in my room, I like to keep it upbeat and we have a lot of fun!
I adore my regulars and I can't wait to see you in my room!