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I am a medium first and foremost. I can connect easily with a loved one. I heal through my energy and prayer. I owe ALL to the Arch-Angels and the Mother and Father above all.

-I have 4 sets of tarot if you are more comfortable with these tools- {Angel Oracle} { Earth Magic } {Destiny Cards } {Tarot messenger Cards}

SPECIAL for the month of Feburary only!! Take advantage now!! Meet answer to Oprah's Dr.Phil! 

Hi! WELCOME to my chat room! Born with the gift of intuitive wisdom by way of my guides and our Father himself-my mission here on this plane is to make you smile,laugh more, and learn to relax. 
I was born with the ability to see, hear and sense energy's other than my own.
At first,I always felt like someone was watching me,but as time grew with me, I learned to be more inquisitive about it and less fearful of it at the same time. I couldn't understand why my family or friends couldn't hear or see the same things I was. To me, as a child, this was very confusing and it made me doubt my sanity for years to come. I have the bills to prove it. 

While I came in to the world as an intuitive. I expeirenced the most profound event in my life. I was in a horrific car fire that involved gasoline, my flesh, and finally, my spirit. I remember watching the flames as they took over the inside of my car and looking to the left as I was grabbing the door handle. I fell out of the car onto the ground and did the "Stop,Drop,And Roll" technique and this saved me until paramedics could arrive. I was the flown. Father God himself saw it fit for me to "feel,smell,and sense" the loneliness,despair,hopelessness, and coldness of hell itself.-It's NOTHING like the movies!-He also allowed me to enter the gates of pure nirvana. That was when I knew I was gone-I saw a very good friend of mine who had passed years before-and he told me I have to live. I asked please to let me stay,but was told no, I hadn't completed what I'd said I do before coming into this plane of existence. I layed in a coma for over 5 months and when I woke-I had to re-learn everything-right down to brushing my hair- But-instead of cursing Father God, I praised him every day and in the end was rewarded with strength, courage, and hope beyond recognition!

 Abilities to offer
-I am a medium first and foremost. I can connect easily with a loved one;
-I heal through my energy and prayer. I owe ALL to the Arch-Angels and the Mother and Father above all 
-I am able to see the past as well as the future ( normally-by the essence of a ascended loved one-whether it be one of mine or one of yours! 
-I do not use any tools. Just my mind, my ears, and my feelings 
-I have 4 sets of tarot if you are more comfortable with these tools- 
{Angel Oracle} 
{ Earth Magic } 
{Destiny Cards } 
{Tarot messenger Cards}

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