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Angels Psychic Readings


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Live Chat:

$1.99 per minute$$55 (Random Reading via email 500-1500 words in length- full reading. No questions or identifying information necessary)

My name is Jessica and I have been giving accurate readings for 1 year now. I hope you will come to me with your needs and I look forward to communicating with you.

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, I am a Graduate student earning a Masters Degree in Extra Sensory perception, sensory and perceptual psychology, psyche, psi, energy psychology, quantum physics, transpersonal psychology, paranormal psychology, parapsychic science, shamanism, energy healing, and spiritually gifted children. I was told by a well known psychic medium, as well as an intuitive clairvoyant that I had the ability to give readings and have been providing them ever since. I have provided numerous readings with proven accuracy and I will keep studying to improve all abilities (Psychic, Intuitive, Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Claircognizant, Clairaudient, Shaman, Empath, Healer, & prospective medium), because I believe you can never learn to much.

1 year anniversary SALE! Just $1.50/minute.

***Recognized by the Theosophical Society of Boston & Melrose Therapeutic and Wholistic Center as a psychic clairsentient clairvoyant.***


I have been providing individuals with psychic clairsentient clairvoyant oracle readings for the past year.

I give readings as a means of providing individuals with spiritual guidance. It is through psychic intuition, clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience and as well as through my oracle cards that I am able to give you accurate guidance.

My calling in life is to help others, and I feel that by providing this service I can fulfill that purpose. I only have good intentions for readings, and I feel I can help more people by making myself available to you here.

Only accepting SERIOUS inquiries.

Readings can be done in the following ways:

RANDOM READING- $55 (no questions allowed, 700 words+ 1-3pages typed to you)

NUMBERS FREQUENTLY SEEN EXPLANATION: $10.00 (ex: 1111, 111, 411, 777 etc)

LIVE READING ($varies)

**ALL payments must be received in order to send a reading.**

Availability: Monday-Sunday 11:11am-6:30pm (Accepting last readings at 6:30pm) and 1:11am-2:00am (last reading accepted at 2:00am) All times are reflected in Eastern Standard Time.

I look forward to answering your questions and giving you guidance.

Much love, serenity, vitality and light


Here are the testimonials!

"You seemed very able to give readings to the general public. You can do psychic readings at the Theosophical Society anytime you want. good luck in your future endeavors." Walter Ness (Theosophical Society of Boston)

"Jess. It’s been many years since I had a reading. I thought my reading with you was excellent. It was a pleasant and relaxing experience. Some things you told me were spot on, others are to be determined!!! I look forward to many more readings with you! Sharon (August, 2008)"

"August 12, 2008, Dear Jessica, Thank you for the reading you presented to me via email in June. You know I can be skeptical at times of these types of things but I have to say your reading was very accurate in a lot of areas, some of which I didn’t realize until recently so I had to let you know. I am in fact going through a career transition and didn’t even know this at the time of the reading. I also have been getting back to a previous writing project that someone recently has motivated me to pick up again, another thing that hadn’t happened yet and that you mentioned in the reading. And you were able to connect with all of this with me not being physically anywhere near you. I’m all the way across the country. I was amazed and am still finding more to be true as some time has passed. Thank you again for taking the time for me. Be well, Kathy Moore" Random reading took place: June 23, 2008

"All I did was open up my heart and BE with the universe... Jess's words and card spread. She's very clever and theres an innocence and honesty to her soul and way of being with us that is soothing and warrant of my trust in her connection and expression of the Source. She's right on cue with every card and detail she laid out to me, and made sure to check in on me throughout the process... it was really cool... Theo B Jr. 8/8/08,

"Jess provided a random reading for me that proved very accurate, included extra ideas and inclinations about an i issue I have in this body. I found her reading extremely helpful in my connection with life, the other side and progression in relation to the talents I have - thank you very much Jess." L&L Robyn

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