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Yogiraj Astrologer

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If you want to see a difference, if you want to see a change in your life, allow me the chance to show you all of your options available to you today.

Energy Clearing & Chakra Balancing, Tarot, Crystal and my empathic abilities, love and relationship.Psychic FINANCE & WORK Energy Tarot Readings

 Relationship Specialist ★Reunites Lovers ★ Fast, Accurate Clear Answers .   

My Statement
If you want to see a difference, if you want to see a change in your life, allow me the chance 
to show you all of your options available to you today. 

I do prefer full readings, through my experience I have learned that questions only lead to more 
questions. With a full session All questions are answered and you come away with more 
understanding versus more confusion. 

Energy Clearing & Chakra Balancing
Do you sometimes feel stressed, angry, overwhelmed, fearful, or unable to speak your truth? 
When your energy is out of balance it can create blocks in your life. 
Guided meditation is for balancing your energy system and for clearing the seven main energy 
centers or Chakras. This powerful energy balancing meditation releases the negative energy and 
balances the Chakras, clearing the negative energy stored within the body and allowing it to dissipate. 
Energy balancing meditation works to bring your energies into balance dramatically reducing stress and anxiety. 

15mins = 30 Credits 
These are only done in a private session. 


Hello, Lovely Spirit! 

I have been reading for over 20 years now. 
When I was around five I noticed I felt things that were bigger then I was. 
I felt things about people, places and things. 
This wasnt something that I grew up around as a child. 
The only other person in my family that had it was my Great Grandmother! 
yes it skipped two whole generations. My grandmother knew bits and pieces 
but not enough to train me. So the journey began and through friends and 
family she came across a dear soul named Bonnie. Bonnie was old and ancient 
to me, Me being around seven when we found her. And my studies began, She 
taught me What I was feeling, What it meant and What i was suppossed to do 
with it! So around the age of twelve I was handed my first Tarot deck, 
and believe me it was over whelming. 78 cards and a book and all Bonnie would 
say was this is not a gift its a tool for your gift. And thats when the doors 
opened. Not only could I feel things, but I can confirm them and make them 
more understanding to others. fastforward 16 years after the bookstore 
appearances, social gatherings and running my own shop, the internet came! 

Now I am able to offer my services to the world not just a selected few. 
I am a straight forward reader who doesnt talk to please you, but tell 
you what you need to know good or bad. I'm honest and caring, and will 
tell you what your doing right and point out what you need to adjust. 

I dont just give readings. I give Life Advice. 
That's just me. 



Psychic, Tarot and Crystal Readings 

Empathy is the capacity to recognize feelings that are being experienced by another. 
Tarot (Cartomancy) is one of the oldest of the more common forms of divination. 
Crystallomancy, or scrying into a crystal, has been practised for thousands of years. 

All Readings are done using the Tarot, Crystal and my empathic abilities. 

Amethyst-Power, Protection, Healing 
Crystal Quartz-Magic, Power, Healing 
Rose Quartz-Love 
Citrine Natural Crystal Point-Protection, Healing, Money, Luck 
Crystal Sphere-cleaning negative vibrations. 

Psychic Love Energy Tarot Readings 

-(Heartache within a relationship Spread)- 

Problems causing heartache. 

Did the you play a part in creating the problem? 
Do you acknowledge their part in the problem? 
Did your partner play a part in creating the problem? 
Did your partner acknowledge their part in the problem? 
Is somebody else instrumental in creating this problem? 
Other influences affecting the situation or creating the problem. 
What you can do to help the situation. 
What your partner can do to help the situation. 
Can the relationship be saved? 
Is the relationship worth saving? 

-(Lost Love Spread)- 

Will a lost love return to you. 

Lost Love. 
Will You Reunite? 

-(Love Triangle Spread)- 

A ten card spread to help if you are in a love triangle. 

Your emotional state right now. 
Your present hopes and desires with this person. 
What needs to change for this relationshp to move forward. 
What outside influences will there be on the relationship. 
Is this relationship important to you. 
You present hopes and desires with this person. 
What needs to change for this relationshp to move forward. 
What outside influences will there be on the relationship. 
Is this relationship important to you. 
The way ahead. 

-(Cup of Relationship Spread)- 

Exploring the relationship between two people. 

The foundation 
The recent past 
Current state of relationship 
Obstacles they both face 
Views of partner one 
Views of partner two 
Expectations of partner one 
Expectations of partner two 
Best outcome 

-(New Love Spread)- 

For new relationships 

Your love life as it is now. 
Possibilities for the near future. 
Probabilities for the ner future. 
What you can expect in the near future. 
What will challenge you. 
How will new partners family treat you. 
Differences/Harmonies between you and your partner. 
Will the to of you mentally sync 
What you can expect emotionaly 
Problem areas or pleasure points. 
Distant future. 

-(Suspicious Minds Spread)- 

Addressing lack of trust issues 

Should you trust this person? 
What is the motivation behind their actions? 
What is causing my suspicion? 
How this situation will unfold. 

Psychic FINANCE & WORK Energy Tarot Readings 

Finance Spread

What you need to obtain financial security. 

What are your concerns regarding money? 
What must I take into consideration? 
Where can I obtain the help I need? 
How can I obtain financial security? 

Stay or Go Spread
Take a new job or stay in the present employment. 

Your current employment 
Growth stay. 
If you stay? 
Positive aspect of current job. 
Negative aspect of current job. 
Future possibility of current employment. 
The other opportunity. 
Growth go. 
Stagnation go. 
If you go? 
Positive aspect of new job. 
Negative aspect of new job. 
Future possibility of this new job. 
Something to take into consideration. 
Psychic WHOLE LIFE Energy Tarot Readings 

-(Past, Present, Future With Timing Card)- 

A five card past, present and future spread with an additional card for timing. 

The Past. 
The Effect. 
The Present. 
The Near Future. 
The distant Future. 
Timing Card. 

E-mail Readings 

I Will give a full detailed reading on any question you may have. 
Please include your age•sex•sign and/or a picture of all persons involved in your question. 
If you ask more then 1 question I will only answer the first. 
Please no medical or legal questions. 

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