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I'm Clairvoyant, Empathic and I do not like sugar coating much anything- sure a little sprinkle here and there, it's all good.
Pendulum, Tarot and Runes, spirit and auras
Hi, it's Richie here! Thank you for coming into my little mad corner on the site. I've been reading since 1999...that makes it what, 14 years?
I'm Clairvoyant, Empathic and I do not like sugar coating much anything- sure a little sprinkle here and there, it's all good.I have a few tools that are available to me. Pendulum, Tarot and Runes- but I don't use them often when in reality I would rather use my own talent. Read my reviews- most of them are good except for a few mishaps here and there- it happens, we're not perfect. Spirits having a human experience! :)
I have a few rules in my mad house..
1. Do not harass me and the roomies, you will be kicked out and banned for life.
2. Please oh PLEASE do not ask about if you're pregnant! I am not a doctor or a pee stick (ew)
Where did I get my gifts? No idea. I suspect I got them from my dad- he sees spirit and auras.
How did my gifts come to be? I remember I was going to class and the hallway was crowded- in my mind's eye I saw a kid running as fast as he could down the hall and bumping into me and making me fall down. So I kinda panicked and moved out of the way- or so i thought. I apparently moved into the position where he could crash straight on into me. Fortunately despite my heavy ass backpack, I didn't fall.
I'm thinking my near death(?) experience a year before hand kinda unlocked my gifts...I was with my Girl Scout troop during one summer and for a mini vacation we all went to Galveston Island and stayed at a beach house. I was brilliant and offered to sleep on the sofa bed-- and didn't bother with a blanket. Not a good idea since they left all the windows open and you know how cold it gets at the beach at night. So I nearly died from the cold. I remember looking down at me and then down the hall way and calling for someone to bring me a blanket. One of the girls apparently heard my plea and brought me a blanket and I went back into my body.