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I offer intuitive and psychic abilities to help further you spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically to the fullest potential and in the highest good, in all faiths.

intuitive and psychic abilities, certified Reiki healer, higher spiritual guides/angels

Blessings to all! my name is westerly. I am a Pisces by birth, my rising sign is Scorpio and my moon is in Capricorn. My Mayan sign is the Earthquake. I offer a spectrum of intuitive and psychic abilities to help further you spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically to the fullest potential and in the highest good, in all faiths. My strongest attributes are my healing capabilities. I work with crystals and the Reiki energies to channel my powerful golden rays of healing light and love to all those who are willing to open their heart, soul and mind to me, no matter where you are on the planet. I am always growing my abilities and taking in all the world has to offer. I am a certified Reiki healer and am on the path to become a fully activated Reiki master, just as I was in my past lives. I communicate with higher spiritual guides/angels as well as dream spirits which allow me to translate your dreams, understand, and empathize and connect with even the deepest and most intimate of transformation process you may be experiencing. 

I also do full western astrological profiles and will discuss with you each aspect of your profile to help you better understand yourself and your experiences through life. I also like to tie in a basic mayan astrological reading into western astrology as I find it has simple but powerful effects. 
If you have crystals you wish to know more about or which chakras they correspond to, I can also help with further understanding your knowledge in that matter. In the same matter of crystal use I can help provide you with sacred and spiritual ritual practices to use with your crystals in mediation, grids, or even in every day life that will help bring clarity, purification and balance to your chakras and life or chi energy. I will show you how to cleanse your crystals, properly care for them, and even make potions or powerful healing elixirs. 

If you are interested in the gifts I have to offer I recommend you start out with a Reiki session. During this session I will enter a meditative trance and ask you do the same as I create a spiritual connection to you and allow for the higher divine Reiki energies to heal you in its fullest and highest good. This can be extremely cleansing, relaxing, and very beneficial towards all aspects of your life and chakras. 

Thank you for taking the time to learn a little more about me. I now call upon all my angels, spirit guides, dragons, dream guides and my higher self, I also call upon all of your higher angels, spirit guides and dreams guides to now let you receive healing at this time in its fullest form, and to its highest good, spiritually, physically, emotionally and physically, in all faiths, so be it. 

Many blessings to you all 


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