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Yogiraj Astrologer

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I'm a nonjudgmental and compassionate psychic/clairvoyant, clairaudient, and I also use claircognizance which mean clear seeing, clear hearing and clear knowing.

-Business -Career or Job -Love and Relationships -School -Relocating -Dream interpretation -Energy Healing -Past lives


ABOUT ME: I'm a nonjudgmental and compassionate psychic/clairvoyant, clairaudient, and I also use claircognizance (which mean clear seeing, clear hearing and clear knowing). I can use no tools as well as tarot and runes upon request. Typically, if you don't have a preference, I'll let my guides decide which I use. I am 27 and have been professionally practicing as a psychic for 5 years. My timezone is PST and I live in Vancouver BC Canada. I'm American though born in Washington, DC. My rate per minute is 1.99. I keep it low because my passion is assisting those who want to be assisted and I make myself affordable and available. 

-Love and Relationships (gay, lesbian, hetero, etc, are welcomed) 
-Career or Job 
-Dream interpretation 
-Energy Healing 
-Past lives 
-Connecting with Spirit Guides (names, looks, purpose) 

I also assist other people in attaining their psychic skills as well as energy healing training. I offer healings with the help of my healing guide. I love doing healings! I love assisting others! I do also give blessings to remove unwanted spirits or entities from your life, home or space/object. For those with sexual health issues or abuse, I also offer assistance in energy healing for those tougher memories and a empathetic ear that will always be on your side. 

I'm asked constantly when I knew I had abilities. The truth is, they were always there I just didn't know what they were called. From 0 to 18 I barely talked because I was telepathic and just thought everyone else was. At my high school graduation I was forced to introduce the speaker and afterwards a good family friend said that was the most they'd ever heard me talk. Since then, I have been studying psychics and healings at 18 years of age. I first met my guides at 4 years old. I have a passion for this service to others. In my readings I identify the root cause for your situation or fear, I give you the reasons for why it happened and then how to fix it with the additional help from my spirit guides. We (me, guides, God) all want you to succeed! For more information about what I can assist you with please chat with me in my chat room 

1. Please no cursing. 
2. Please no giving advice to the other people in my chatroom 
3. I do not give readings/answer psychic questions in the free chat area only in demos (oranum decides not me so please don't ask for a demo because that's not how it works) and sometimes I will pull a card from one of my decks but that is when I deem it right to do so. Please do not hound me for a card. 
4. For demo readings please no typing when the reading is in progress and please only ask once to be chosen. Once the demo is over and you want more info please take me into private. Once the demo is over, it is over. 
5. Please go with the flow of the chatroom conversation. If we are talking about someone becoming pregnant please don't jump in and state something negative that has happened to you. 
6. Chatroom IS NOT FOR VENTING. I appreciate people letting me know what is going on in their lives but the chatroom is for those who would like to inquire about a reading with me, not just a place for someone to vent about how bad of a day or life they've had. If you want to talk about those things I'M ALL EARS. But that is in private chat only. That's makes it fair to everyone else in the chat room. Please and thank you 
7. Sometimes I'm in a deep meditative trance to prepare for readings and healings. There's nothing wrong with me so please don't ask me what's wrong. The energy in my chatroom will vary day to day so please go with the flow of the mood and energy. I really do appreciate it =D 
8. For a private reading I do sometimes ask for your name and dob. It depends on the person and their situation. Since I generally cannot see or hear you in private chat unless you have your webcam on and audio on, I sometimes request the name and dob. If you don't want to give this information, just let me know beforehand. 
9. Lastly, I do ban profanity and rudeness and harassment. If you see a user or guest act inappropriately ignore it and rest assured that I will ban them immediately. I have zero tolerance for things like that. Don't respond please, just ignore. 

What is a demo reading: A demo reading is when decides to pick a psychic to give a free demonstration of their abilities to the person of his or her choosing. When a demo reading is about to happen the website will say which psychic and how long until they begin. You will be able to tell who by looking at the right side of your screen. Each psychic does their demo differently so please read their bio for their rules. I pick one person, once the person is picked the decision is final. To summarize a demo is a demonstration/reading to one lucky person. 

If there is still anything else you'd like to know about me, what I offer and how I go about it....just ask :-)

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