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Rune Casting


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I use a modern interpretation of these cards to help connect with you and your situation.which helps when working on the site with so many energies.

Rune Master and Tarot reader, Angel and fortune cards



Both my Mother and Grandmother were Tarot readers and clairvoyants, I have inherited their gift. As a child I often found that I knew about things before the event, and as is so common as we grow up, tried to hide it. 

I think we all have intuition, and it is a matter of personal choice whether we develop it to assist with our decisions in life. 

Ten or so years ago, a friend gave me a deck of Tarot cards – that was in the days when it was common belief that it was bad luck to purchase your own (that is simply not true!). I never looked back. 

I am self taught in reading the cards, understanding the imagery and developing my intuition. Eleven years ago I started to sit in circle to develop my psychic and mediumistic abilities, and continued with my Tarot readings. 

I now prefer to use, Angel and fortune cards, to look at the future and learn from the past. I am a huge believer in looking forward, and feel that in using these cards and my abilities, I can make someone’s path clearer, lighter and less complicated, whatever the situation. 

Love and Light Always

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The cards do not take away our free will or our ability to make the best choices for ourselves and it certainly doesn't predict a fixed unchanging future. We have free will and are always able to change the path we are on. A Card Reading gives us information, it guides us on our path but does not live our lives for us, it is not a case of fate versus destiny more an insight of possibilities and the choices avalaible to us. 

The Tools I Use - Mlle. Lenormand Cards 

Mlle. Lenormand lived in the nineteenth century, and was thought to have read for Napoleon. Her Mlle. Lenormand Fortune Telling Cards are a reproduction of the cards she used. The artwork is of the French Napoleonic era, though the printed rhymes on each card stand out more than the artwork. 

I use a modern interpretation of these cards to help connect with you and your situation. If them very emotionally intuitive which helps when working on the site, with so many energies. 

– Rune Master 

I will now offer Runes Stone Readings over email reads, (please specify if you would like me to use them alongside the cards or individually) 

The Rune Stones will not be read in chat or private as they require complete meditation on my behalf. If however you would like to see or learn more about the Runes please feel free to ask me, or visit my community page. 

Runes are an ancient Germanic alphabet, used for writing, divination and magic. They were used throughout northern Europe, Scandinavia, the British Isles, and Iceland from about 100 B.C.E. to 1600 C.E. Runic inscriptions of great age have even been found in North America, supporting stories that the Vikings arrived in the Americas long before Columbus. 
Runes are an oracle from which one seeks advice. They work best if you detail your current circumstances and then ask a specific question 
Runic divination or "rune casting" is not "fortunetelling" in the sense that one actually sees the future. Instead, runes give one a means of analyzing the path that one is on and a likely outcome. The future is not fixed. It changes with everything one does. If one does not like the prediction, one can always change paths. 
Since ancient times, runes have been used for divination and magic, in addition to writing. The word "rune" actually means mystery, secret or whisper. Each rune has esoteric meanings and properties associated with it, beyond its mundane meaning and phonetic value. Each translates into a word or a phrase signifying concepts important to the early peoples who used them, representing the forces of nature and mind. Each rune has a story attached to it, a relationship to a Norse God. 
Odin, the Norse High God of the Aesir, hung from the world tree, Yggdrasil, impaled on his own spear, for nine days and nights in order to gain the knowledge of runes. When the runes appeared below him, he reached down and took them up, and the runic knowledge gave him power . He later passed on this knowledge to the Vanir goddess Freya. She, in turn, taught him the magic of seidr. Heimdall, the god who guarded the Rainbow Bridge, taught the runes to mankind. 
Runic alphabets first appeared among German tribes in central and eastern Europe. Some runes symbols are likely to have been acquired from other alphabets, such as the Greek, Etruscan, and the Early Roman. The runes were made of straight lines to make the characters suitable for cutting into wood or stone. The earliest runic inscriptions on stone are dated to the late 3rd century AD, although it is probable that runic alphabets had been in use Your Positive Feedback is Welcomed and Very Much Appreciated.

Please visit the what people have said about me page to read my reviews.I will not answer pregnancy or death (by death I mean asking me how, when or where you will pass or asking me the same of someone else) related questions. These are very intimate aspects to an individual's life and I feel entirely too intrusive entering them. 

I ask you to enter my room with an open heart, uncluttered mind and focus on the issue you have at hand and please above all, have fun and enjoy this time that we spend together :)

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