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I am honest and direct,very compassionate. I will try to give you the real deal in a way that will provide you with solid.


**I SPECIALIZE IN SOUL MATE RECOGNITION, DECEPTION AND CHEATING, as well as OTHER RELATIONSHIP ISSUES. Come see me in private chat for clarity on your personal situation.** 

PLEASE TAKE NOTE - I NO LONGER PROVIDE TIME FRAMES FOR EVENTS IN READINGS. PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST THEM. Though Spirit has been very gracious in providing time frames which are almost always amazingly on target, even for such menial issues as when someone will send a text or initiate communication, the providing of such information has occasionally resulted in negative energy when clients demand a specific time frame for events to take place and the outcome is not what they want to hear. Many clients get stuck in unhealthy, dependencies on these time frames rather than taking positive action in their own lives. After considerable thought and consultation with Spirit I have decided to eliminate this potential problem with clients in my readings. Thank you for your understanding, consideration, and cooperation. 


1. I DO NOT PULL CARDS IN MY FREE CHAT ROOM - And it is for a good reason: First of all, I am not connected to your energy in the free chat room, so any card I pull for you would have absolutely no relevance to your personal life or situation. Second, even if I were connected to your energy in the free chat room, pulling a single card is like showing you one piece of a jigsaw puzzle and expecting you to be able to see the whole picture. It does you absolutely no good and is of no value or service to you. So I don't pull cards in my room. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME TO. 

2. I DO NOT ANSWER YES OR NO QUESTIONS OR ANY QUESTION ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL LIFE IN THE FREE CHAT ROOM - Even a yes or no question requires that I be connected to your energy, and the energy of those involved in the situation, in order to be able to give you the insight and guidance you desire. And I am not connected to your energy in the free chat room, so this is an impossible request. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME TO ANSWER PERSONAL QUESTIONS IN THE FREE CHAT ROOM...EVEN A YES OR NO QUESTION. 

3. I AM NOT CONNECTED TO YOUR ENERGY IN THE FREE CHAT ROOM - As a Second Generation Natural Empath and Intuitive it is very important that I protect myself and my own energy while I am working on this site. As you can imagine, I interact with over 100 people during every single shift, and not everyone has the best energy or intentions. So I deliberately put protections around myself before I come on shift in order to NOT connect with people's energy. When you take me to private consultation I do a 30 second ritual to connect with your energy and the other energies involved in your situation and only then am I able to connect and gain insight into your life and concerns. AGAIN, PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME TO ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL LIFE IN THE FREE CHAT ROOM. 

4. THE FREE CHAT ROOM WAS NOT CREATED TO BE USED FOR ANSWERING QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL LIFE - The free chat room is a benefit of membership. It was designed to be an open environment where you may interact with any or all of the advisers and psychics on the site, as much as you like, so that you can find someone you feel cofortable with and whom you would trust to share your private, intimate questions and concerns with in a private consultation. THIS BENEFIT IS UNIQUE TO  and is something you will not find available, even for a fee, on any other psychic website. PLEASE RESPECT THIS BENEFIT AND UTILIZE IT FOR THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT WAS INTENDED. 

5. I WILL GIVE FIRST PRIORITY AND ATTENTION TO MY CURRENT, PAYING CLIENTS IN THE FREE CHAT ROOM. If you are new and are just checking things out, please feel free to observe and get comfortable...but know that I WILL ALWAYS FOCUS THE MOST ATTENTION AND ENERGY ON MY EXISTING, PAYING CLIENTS. 

6. BE KIND AND POLITE IN MY ROOM - I do not tolerate any disrespect to myself or the other members in my room and absolutely WILL ban you immediately if you display any kind of rudeness, flaming, sexual harassment, etc. I'm saddened that I even need to include this rule...but unfortunately, based on experience, this is a very necessary rule for me to mention. 


* HEALING BROKEN RELATIONSHIPS and helping you obtain the outcome you desire by offering you REAL, CONCRETE, USABLE ADVICE 
* HELPING YOU FIND YOUR SOUL MATE. Determining whether a meaningful LOVE RELATIONSHIP is coming for you in the next 12 months or not. 
* MONEY, FINANCE, CAREER, JOB CHANGES, RELOCATION, etc. I can let you know if it looks like you will get that job or not. 
* CONNECTION WITH LOVED ONES WHO HAVE PASSED ON - And sharing any messages they may wish to give you, as well as passing along your messages to them. 
* Self-Esteem and Improved Quality of Life 

~~~~~ABOUT ME~~~~~ 

I'm a Second Generation Natural Intuitive and Empath. This means that I was born with the ability to tap into other people's energies to sense what's going on with and around them. 

My mother is also a natural intuitive, so I was fortunate to be raised in an environment where "sensing things of Spirit" was a normal and common occurrence for me. 

When I was 26 years old I had a spontaneous vision and received a message of unconditional Love and Blessing from an Angelic spirit being whom I lovingly refer to as "Spirit" in my readings. Since that time I have felt a special "calling" to share my gift with others in order to help them gain the guidance and direction they seek as they strive to find their own Life Path, Soul Mate, and Special Purpose in life. 

I am honest and direct, so you won't get a sugar-coated version of the truth from me...though I am very compassionate, so I will try to give you the real deal in a way that will provide you with solid, usable information and that will empower you to take the most beneficial next step on your life path. 

I am especially gifted when it comes to sensing lies, deception, negative energy, and a deliberate intent to cause harm in a given situation...whether this is love/romance oriented, finance/career related, or any other situation of concern. I can also sense loving, benevolent energies and help that is available to you in the situation...both from the living, and in many cases, from those who have passed on. 

Through the tarot cards Spirit provides me with a detailed "story board" description of what has been going on in the past, what is currently happening, and what the potential outcome will be if you continue to pursue the path you have been traveling. 

I do NOT offer _quick_ Yes or No answers to a problem, so if this is what you are looking for then you will be best served contacting someone else. I provide a detailed look into the situation with your most likely outcome. Spirit CAN generally give me a sense of whether or not an outcome will be positive/beneficial or negative/bad for you. But She almost always offers more insight than you expect. 

I care about my clients and give my all to them. My source is Heavenly Mother/The Divine Feminine/The Goddess. I know She genuinely cares about you and will help me guide you to the truth of the situation. I look forward to hearing from you and will be sending you Love, Light and Positive Healing Energy. 

~~~Some Recent Testimonials~~~ 
Wow, Tracy and Spirit are fantastic! She is the best psychic I have seen in 20 years without a doubt! This was my 1st online private chat reading with her but I had done 3 email readings last year, all excellent! Now the private chat was excellent too, and I received great advice. I highly recommend TracyBlessings! Jerseylil, in Maryland 

She's AMAZING! I have had 3 readings with her and she has been right about so much. She connects so well and knows so much about my situation. I only go to her! Thanks Tracy! I'l be back soon! ekfloyd89, richmond 

Tracy is just a gift from Heaven...She just really knows what the heck is goin' on!!! it can just be stunning sometime and it can leave me speak-less at her accuracy...just incredible :) dreamer65, Houston 

1 word: WONDERFUL, thank you so much! Tanisha33, Springfield Mass 

She is amazing and her spirit is so cooll!!!!!! vjrei01, Miami 

She was dead on about everything, totally worth it, loved her!! vvd450, Fairbanks AK 

Tracy, you are a TRUE BLESSING! Your connection is undoubted one of the best here . Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 5 stars angel_hugs, Vestby, Norway 

Amazing. i gave her no information and she just blurted it all out as though she had been watching the entire situation unfold right in front of us.. Tracy thank you. I am crying tears of joy xoxoxo jasminepapas, Australia 

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