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Yogiraj Astrologer

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My life purpose is centered on helping people and using my gifts to make a difference in the world.

Psychic /Medium /Spiritual Advisor, specialize in working Guide, Palm readings, Angel Card Reading, Relationship Reading Past life readings, Future Predictions, Dream Interpretations etc.

My room is entertaining and feels like talking to a humorous friend. The difference is, I have the answers you're looking for.

What can I tell you about me? I'm Psychic journey !! Aka Donnie Reed !! Well, I’m a Taurus and I love astrology! 
I’m a 4th generation Psychic /Medium /Spiritual Advisor and I love what I do and do what I love. I Believe in God, Angels, Archangels, and the Ascended Masters! I specialize in working Guide. I am Clairvoyant (clear seeing) ,Clairaudient (clear hearing), Clairsentience (clear feeling), and I am also an Empath. I am always learning and studying to have more to give to the World and you! 

When I was ten years old, I had a near death experience that completely changed my life. It opened me up to a brand new world, and my Psychic Gifts came alive. I have been doing readings ever since! Over the years I have helped thousands of people discover their own Psychic Gifts and begin the process of Self-healing. 
I offer Angel Readings, psychic-mediumship services, Relationship Counseling, Dream Interpretation, and Psychic Development for adults and children. I will help you learn how trust your own psychic gifts. 
Always remember to spread unconditional love to all you meet and help make this world a better place! 

Palm readings 
Email readings 
Life coaching 
Angel Card Reading 
Relationship Reading 
Past life readings 
Future Predictions 
Dream Interpretations 
What is the future of my relationship? 
Why am I having difficulties with my current romantic partner? 
Why am I having a hard time finding happiness? 
Will I get that promotion I want? 
Does my passed over relative have any messages for me? 
Does my ex still think of me? 
Will I be able to pay my rent on time? 
How can I get my ex to take me back? 


Well, after my drowning accident when I was 10, I have always had psychic experiences and insights. I remember floating over my body and watching the rescue team drag my body out of the river. All through high school, people came to me for advice on their love lives. People came to me all the time and confirmed that what I told them came to pass. I’ve been gifted all my life at angel communication and I keep a journal of my adventures and messages I receive. I have saved several lives due to my gifts. I remember driving in the dark stormy icy location with my family and having a strong feeling to pull over. I ended up saving my family who was riding in the car with me and if I hadn’t pulled over, we would have gone over a cliff to our deaths. I have over 40 years of experience using my gifts. I host a radio show, and have worked in several psychic shops. My life purpose is centered on helping people and using my gifts to make a difference in the world. 


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