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Yogiraj Astrologer

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All I need is my natural psychic abilities which allow me to see things from the past, present, and future in my minds eye the same we see our thoughts.

•Love • dating • marriage • sex-life •Break ups • divorce • cheating • Soul mate connections • Reuniting lost love •

From who do you get your answers? ANY psychic, or the BEST psychic? 
Treat yourself to the best, because solving your life problems are most definitely worth it. 
I won't just amaze you with my accuracy, but also my honesty and straight-forward and to-the-point delivery. 
You deserve the best of everything, a Psychic to help you through your problems is no exception! 

Make sure to add me to your favorites by clicking "Notify me when this psychic comes online!"


"Great intuitive and picks up on your energy. Take her to private 5 stars!!" 

"An excellent reader. Picked up on my issues and channelled my relationship issues dead on. 
I have used her and will continue because she is that good." 

"Thank you, much peace of mind after your insight reading." 

". . .what she said so far is very true. I came to her 4 the time for answers." 

Very accurate in reading, in the whole situation of mine, the things that are related, and that I didn`t see as possible to come yet. She brings me optimism and will to fight for what really metters to me. Cindy thank you very much for the reading, wish if we had more time... 
"Love her, love her. I have to say that. Brings positivity in a negative situation. Love her." 
Her prediction came to pass. Thank you, Cindy. 

Please take a moment to read through my few simple guidelines while we're in free chat! 

• No ''sample questions'' or freebies in free chat. Free chat is NOT the place where I give answers, free chat is where you get to know me and ask me about my service. That's all folks! 

• Please don't insult me by trying test my abilities. I have given well over 650 readings on Oranum and I've maintained a full five-star rating. 
If my clients reviews aren't enough to convince you of my abilities, then you're more than welcome to find a Psychic that you feel more comfortable with. 

• Doesn't allow psychics and members to share personal information such as: phone numbers, emails, IM screen-names, Facebook profiles, etc. 

• Please be polite to me, and the rest of the members while in free chat, 
Thank you! 

Once we're in private chat, by default I will type to you because for one, the audio sometimes cuts out, and I want to make sure you hear everything I reveal to you. 
Plus, when I type to you, you can copy-and-paste everything I say and read it again if you need, which is very useful. 

However, if you *prefer* I can speak in private using the microphone. Just make sure to request it before going to private. 

Before you take me to private, you may tell me your name, and DOB and ask your question in free-chat, once I confirm to you that I've read your question, and I'm ready, 
then we can go straight to private, where I will answer your question. 

Also, if you have a microphone, use it instead of typing to me in private. 
These two things can save you a lot of time. 


My name is Cind, I'm 25 year old. 
I've been a Psychic since birth, along with a number of women in my family on both my mother and fathers side. 
I believe this gift was given to me to be used as a tool for helping others. At an early age however, I was faced with a question. 
I thought "how can I succeed in any career if I'm going to spend all of my time helping others?" That was when I decided to make helping others a career in itself. 

Since the age of 10 when I began using this gift professionally, I've helped thousands of individuals put control of their lives back into their own hands, 

I now own a very successful Psychic Reading business and have been blessed with a wonderful family of my own. 
So since I can no longer travel the world to help people, I do it from my home-office, right here. 

My readings cover a range of topics; 

•Love • dating • marriage • sex-life • 

•Break ups • divorce • cheating • 

• Soul mate connections • Reuniting lost love • 

• Questions I'm often asked and happy to answer!: 
• “Is my lover seeing someone else?” 
• “Is this person my soulmate?” 
• “Will this person ever love me the way I love them?” 
• “Will we ever get back together?” 
• “Why has my lover been acting so distant lately?” 
• “Is my lover having a change of heart” 
• “I was just broken up with, how can I get my lover back in my life?” 

My readings also cover the topics of: 

• Business • Fame • Fortune • Family • Friends 

Don't see your situation here, don't worry, just ask! 


All I need is my natural psychic abilities which allow me to see things from the past, present, 
and future in my minds eye the same we see our thoughts. 
I'm also very experienced in tarot card reading and crystal energy reading and healing. 

No gimmicks, no new-age nonsense =) 

• So you want a private reading, that's great! I'll give them to you after you complete these simple steps! 
(It's not difficult, I promise!) 

Thank you for reading! 

Hope to hear from you soon! 

Sincerely, Cind. 

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