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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Can connect quickly and bring a lot of information through in a relatively short time as to not keep you in the reading longer than necessary and thus value for money.

Cartomancy , mediumship , numerology and astrology

Tune into your energy. Aim to offer clear , concise to the heart of the matter readings. .Compassionate , caring and honest. 

Work with cartomancy , mediumship , numerology and astrology. With astrology approach the subject more generally and how it applies to the tarot. Can connect quickly and bring a lot of information through in a relatively short time as to not keep you in the reading longer than necessary and thus value for money. Any credits unused can go towards further readings. 

With mediumship , connect on a clairsentient level. Attended spiritualist churches governed by the SNU , was part of a development group. Constantly learning and developing , it never ends! Attended mediumship workshops here in the UK led by well known and respected mediums. 

Enjoy crystal scrying with my personal collection of crystals and tumbled stones. How this works is from knowledge I have gained on them and what I pick up intuitively. 

With scrying tools namely the crystal ball and scrying mirror I do prefer to dim the lights and light candles too as find it more conducive and better to tune into the energy! 

Also divine with a tarot spirit board. 

To get the most out of your personal reading encourage you to make a note of focus areas / questions you would like to discuss. Also what skills and disciplines that I have listed on my profile that you would like to incorporate. 

Tarot and oracle card readings I feel are there to explore , discover the mystery and hopefully to empower you as individuals. I think it is important to highlight that readings do not take away self responsibility. We are all unique individuals who can go some way in manifesting our own destinies and making the most of the potential available to us! 

With tarot can devise and adapt spreads / layouts to suit your questions / focus areas. Do like to read with seven cards in layouts called The Star and Horseshoe. 

Have a selection of decks to select from should you have a preference : 

Tarot : 

Legacy Of The Divine 
Tarot Of The Cat People 
Tarot Of Dreams 
Tarot Of New Vision 
Sharman Caselli 

Oracle : 

Wisdom Of Avalon 
Wisdom Of Hidden Realms 
Enchanted Map 
Art Through The Eyes Of The Soul 
Path Of The Soul Destiny 
The Faeries Oracle 
Heart Of Faerie Oracle 
Healing with The Faries 
Archangel Oracle 
Crystal Deck 
Druid Animal Oracle 

Miscellaneous decks: 

Psy cards 

Other layouts available : 

A reading for the week with 7 cards. 

Zodiac Spread ( using 12 cards , a card representing each astrological house). 

A yearly spread for 2013 using a card for each month of the year. 

The popular 3 card past / present / future. 

A relationship spread looking at both individuals , working with 15 cards 

Now have a Konxari spirit communication deck which I am very much looking forward to working with. Connects very much with symbology too as in colours , letters , glyphs ; works on a variety of levels to tune into intuitively. The word Konxar is taking from ancient Egyptian language meaning to speak with the dead. Does recommend 8 card spreads but like to adapt my own spreads too. 

Qualified as a Registered Nurse ; April 1995 in the UK. Think this can help bring compassion and empathy into readings. As individuals we go through so many and varied experiences in this ' University of Life'. We can all learn so much from each other which could help to tap into and embrace ones true potential! 

Look at Western astrology more generally and how it connects with tarot. Also love numerology and can look into 
how this expresses itself on a personal level and how it relates in terms of mind , body and spirit. 

Other divination tools I work with are the crystal ball , pendulum and recently made my own scrying mirror. How I pick up energy with the crystal ball is largely via imagery , words , numbers and symbology. It is also a focus for meditation , helps quieten the mind thus enhancing intuition. The scrying mirror very much works on the same principle too. With the pendulum it can give 'yes' and ' no ' answers and show where perhaps there is a potential block , no clear answer presently. 

Personal pastime hobbies are listening to a wide range of music ; exercising to aerobics and fitness DVDs and reading non fiction , particularly enjoy autobiographies. 

Free Chat Room Rules : 

* Have fun! 

* Ask questions about what you can expect from a reading 

* Be respectful and well mannered 

* No Free Reads 

* No controversial topics to be raised which could possibly cause offense 

* Please don't use vulgar language! 

* Please don't discuss overly private matters in an open chat room 

Technical Issues 

* Clear Flash Cache regularly of any items not required 
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* Make sure you have an up to date Flash Player 
* If you experience technical issues during a private reading with me , encourage you to end the session as want you to have the best reading experience. I also offer E mail readings if you prefer me to type. 
* Finding where the technical issue stems from can be difficult but advise following the above guidance , thank you.

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