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I saw used to be very strong information for the people that I read for.
palm readings, tarot readings, graphical designer
I did palm readings since I was 10 years old, just as a game, but I stopped doing them since the events that I saw used to be very strong information for the people that I read for. After that when I became 28 I bought my first tarot deck since that time I started to read up to this date, I have written my own tarot course and I feel very happy to help others to find peace of mind about their problems, I do tarot readings at least twice a week for other people, I have a small shop in a coffe store to do tarot readings.
Sometimes I travel to other cities with friends who has friends that require a reading. Also I have been learning reiki healing for the past year and a half and came out to be quite good at it as well.
Professionally I am a graphical designer I work as a freelance from my home and I am completely oriented to communications through the internet. I also have a degree on Restoration of works of art, and eventually have been working in my workshop, I love to read, to laugh and to have fun with my friends or family.