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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Global Presence have vast collection of consultants, astrologers for providing online Psychic Reading, online Astrology reading. There are other experts who are Doctors, Surgeons, Dentists, Financial management experts, Psychologist, Therapist, Dating Experts, Computer and IT Experts. We also have free Online consultants who given you free advice regarding your problems. We have experts from United States (US), USA, UK, Canada, India, Los Angeles, California psychic experts which given you free psychics readings, free astrology readings, absolute free tarot readings, free health and fitness advice, spell casting expert, love spell, live hardware computer experts. You can find your choice expert from our free online consultants portal. Our online consultants given you all answer to your questions. Also our online free psychic readers are dedicated to improving the lives of worldwide psychic clients. Other online experts who are available at come from Toronto psychic experts, Melbourne psychics expert, Sydney online readers, New York free psychic reader, Brentford free readers psychic, Los Angeles , Chicago, Atlanta, New Zealand, Miami, Australia psychics experts given you best and honest psychic and love and relationship readings also free. Also our experts given you free advice related to birthstones by month , birthstones chart, Birthstones & Gemstones by colors , Online psychic reading, Online Psychic Network, psychic, spirituality, apsr, astrology, clairvoyant, love, medium, paranormal, psychic reading,relationship,rituals,spells,spiritual guidance,tarot, psychic, online reading, boyfriend, girlfriend, cheat, mediumship, reiki, energy healing, spiritual coaching, spirituality, occult, psychic medium, Online Psychic Reading, Live Psychic Chat at the Online Psychic Network, Get an accurate Psychic Reading from a live, online Psychic. Free until you are ready. Online psychic love readings, tarot reading, clairvoyant, via online chat at the Online Psychic Network


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Giving Truthful no sugar answers to your important questions regarding Relationships, Finacial/Career, Spiritual/Personal Growth.

I have studied the arts of Astrology, Tarot, Numerology and numerous other forms of divinity.


For limited time offering Full month unlimited # of LIVE Readings per month for $300

**Very Important to Remember When looking ahead**

Once we have taken a look to the events to come, things can and may change. Just in knowing you may alter your path, which can in effect spiral. If a reader predicts something to come and you alter that path to prevent it or to speed things along you can change alot more than the one incident.

I aspire to be a true Spiritual Healer. By providing you answers to all questions I can help you to solve all type of problems. I will enable you to remove obstacles from your present and future, balance and realign the chakra, and balance of the body soul and mind. I have studied the arts of Astrology, Tarot, Numerology and numerous others.. It is my feeling that we are never masters of anything but we can become well versed in many.

  The Right One

I offer readings that are a combination of psychic & tarot reading best described as clairvoyant tarot.

Clairvoyant tarot, or psychic tarot card readings provide the most accurate, most specific answers to your questions because the Tarot serves as a focusing tool... a psychic magnet if you will.

When we agree to do a reading, you are giving me permission to look into your portion of the Akashic Record. There, the history of your soul's experience is recorded for this and many other lives.

As you concentrate on your questions while I shuffle the Tarot and "listen" in psychic attention, the Tarot cards move into a unique order that becomes a reflection of your experiences & concerns about your question.

As I answer your question, I "know" the answer, but spread the cards because the Tarot provides a visual validation of that answer.

The Tarot also serves to provide you with a psycho-spiritual boundary against information you are not ready to receive. I can know that I will not reveal what you are not able to hear.

This does not mean I will withhold the truth... rather that I will not cross into repressed memories or other painful areas of your personal experience that are not relevant to your question.

Tarot is a model of the Tree of Life, an ancient & powerful tool for divination. The Major Arcana & Minor Arcana course outlines offer a deep appreciation of the complexities of Tarot.

Psychic readings are an excellent tool to help you create the future you want to live.

Tarot provides a roadmap to enable you to overcome obstacles, make healthy choice and select useful companions on this spiritual journey of life.

I believe psychic readings are an important moment in time... deeply spiritual and sacred. I will be fully present, in psychic attention, for your live reading appointment. I will listen carefully to your questions, and give you complete, honest and accurate answers. I believe is it my responsibility to tell you the truth as it is revealed. I take your trust in my psychic ability seriously. Therefore, I will not bring my personal opinions to your psychic reading. I will not judge you, your past, your choices or your lifestyle.

>***Things to note in getting a reading with me, Unless asking for an Astrology reading, I do not need your dob I get my impressions thru your name, most often I only need a first name, however on occasion I may ask for yours or someone that you are asking ofs last name. I give everyone, be it your first reading with me or your 10th  from me, time to focus and time for you to ask your questions.


You do not go to hire until I am ready to answer.. Sometimes I may need added information if a situation is not clear to me, and I will do this before hire unless we change focus in the middle of a reading to a different subject. I do not take meditations between questions I do all this before hire as I do not want to waste either your time or your money.

Please remember in asking your questions, because I have a gift does not make me all knowing, I cannot read a persons mind, I am empathic and I do pick up on feelings and emotions very well but don't ask me to tell you what a person is thinking right this moment.. No one can and if they say they can they are not being truthful.

When you choose to rate me, please take time to rate honestly, some come expecting a certain answer. (Their dreams to come true) and It may not be so.. Do not rate because you didn't like the answer rate me on my abilities.. (Did I have a handle on the situation, Did I describe those involved accurately etc)

If you are unsure then don't rate now, wait let a bit of time pass re read your reading and then rate. I will never disrespect you and ask you for a rating nor try and bribe you for one by offering you free updates or email readings.

If you have had a reading with me before and I do not remember you please take no offense to that.. Sometimes I can remember you if I've had one reading with you sometimes I can have 5 or 6 and still need to ask your name.. again no offense.. But please don't tell me of our previous sessions I like to get the information from my guides if you tell me what I said in a previous session then that may influence my interpretations in this one.

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