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Astro consultation in all spheres of life like love, marriage, children, education,health, career, finance, property,marital-problems, litigation, etc
B. Com : Maharishi Dayanand University, Haryana, India. JYOTISH PRAGYA : LBS Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, New Delhi, India. JYOTISH SHIROMANI : JTR Astro Research Centre, New Delhi, India.
In East of the world, particularly India, the use of Sound Energy [mantras] has been practised in various religious sects like Hinduism, Buddhism and so on; in transforming one’s life and in fact, use of mantras helped in being in contact with other (higher) levels of life.
It has been a tradition in India to educate a child with the help of mantras while he is in the womb of his mother and at the time of his birth, the beej-mantra of goddess Saraswati (diety of education) is written on the tongue of the baby with honey. One’s horoscope can also be a guide as to which set of mantras would be more beneficial to a native. In addition to specific mantras for specific chakra-activation, there are a number of mantras the use of which helps, to a major extent, in creating a specific energy field to get optimum out of the Nature, be it love, money, health, career, business and so on.
There are certain negative forces which are at work; and, knowingly or unknowingly your energy gets depleted because of negative forces. You need a strong in-built system against the negative forces or the evil forces to have a reliable safeguard for your protection. There are specific mantras which help create an impermeable bio-energy-field around you so that the evil forces do not harm you in any manner and you get all-round protection. With the blessings of Devi Bhagwati and Lord Balaji (child-hood name of Lord Hanuman ji), I have been able to guide my clients and help them to create 'suraksha-kavach' on their own using specific mantras, for their protection against evil-forces/negative forces.