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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Do you want to know if you should stay at your job or leave? Is this the career for you? What can you expect from this path?

I have over 15 years experience reading for people. I have qualifications in every field of astrology and provide you answer regarding your love and relationship, health and wealth ,breakup and cheating etc.

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*INSTANT Star Readings For Love Success & Money Too!

Astro Master


Meet a Master Spiritual Teacher, he can see miles before most and will only offer the truth. You'll find her to be loyal, honest and integrity based, Spiritual answers that save lives, families and fortunes.





The system that originated in ancient times in Africa, India and the Orient, and was documented by sages in the Vedic and other Scriptures. "Jyotish" means "the science of light:, Rishis means "seers" and is of these ancient beginnings dealing with astral light patterns and human living that has proven to determine the results of each beings personal destiny.

Vedic Astrology is the art/science of the effects of planetary movement on our very lives, personally and professionally. Your personal jyotisha can construct charts and interpret most important star positions giving exact meaning for your life. You can make a wide range of conclusions about the moment the chart was cast for as well this is called casting the "Muhurta" and this is good for general readings.


The "Four Stages of Life" coincide with the "The FOUR Seasons, Directions and Elements" called by ancient Arya's the "PERUSTARTA" what is important to you?

1. Artha: Material; success, prosperity and joy.

2. Dharma: Virtuous; earned, right and correct living.

3. Kama: Aesthetic; happiness, comfort or erotic pleasure.

4. Moksha: Liberation; freedom, detachment, and correction.

Your Spiritual Vedic Advisor is Astro Master, a well respected spiritual teacher; an authority on the prophetic sciences. A student of yoga and the practice of sound and meditation. A Magi Star Man; son, brother, dad and grandfather who reveals what to do with your spiritual gifts & blessings for your life. Talk with him and he will touch the heart, cheer the spirit and free the soul. he is a highly recommended counselor offering amazing valuable and accurate guidance for those who need to know!


Astro Master has given spent years developing successful techniques for her clients. So we invite you to try a reading, leave positive feedback and sign-up for additional bonus minutes to defray the cost of a full reading.

"Order of The Magi" - traveling the world with the message of COSMIC UNITY, JOY AND PROSPERITY.


Joy, comes from what we are good at, so do that consistently and bring joy to the world



"MAY YOU EXPERIENCE THE HOLY LOVE LIGHT! LIBERATION through Divine Truth, Health, Wealth, Happiness and Holistic Living!"



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