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I work with your essence along with the help of candles I will guide tou with every step.
CA Psychic INT
I have working with the occult for over 25 years I can and will remove whatever you want to call it blackmagic,witch craft,etc it all comes down to a mass of negitive energy! My exp with this is that you can take this negitive energy and turn into positive energy to work for you. Do you reoccuring dreams,nightmares? do you fell a lack of energy and seem to have no intrest in anything? do you feel that you are being followed by something not human? are strange things happening to you,do you feel that someone has placed a curse on you? If your answer is yes I can help you understand all that you are feeling and what is happening with you and yours. We would begin with a reading and find out the who,what,and where. Yes you can be helped! I want to help you and I will help you! All you have to do is choose me and we will get started. I sugarcoat NOTHING! I tell you all just the way it is. I have a god given gift and as you know God will not let you down!