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Breakup and DivorceCheating And AffairsCompatibility CheckDating Pattern RepairSpell CastingSpell RemovingPast Life RosterPsychic ReadingAngels Psychic ReadingsCareer Forecasts
$1.00 per minute$$10.00 - $50.00 Karmical pattern removal, Love combatability, Career forcast, tarot reading.
15 YRS EXP. In Spell, Hex, Curse, Evil Eye, Root removal.
Licensed in the US as a Master and Professional Psychic Advisor. Master Occult specialist - Removes Spells instantly.
Hello, and welcome to my virtual office I have been a psychic reader professionally for 15 years, but I've always had the gift of intuitivity since birth and discovered my gift by age 8. I have opened an office over 10 Yrs ago to help people from all walks of life with their problems thru Love, marriage, career, business, health, even removing spells, hexes, curses, evil eye, and roots. Talk is cheap! Anyone can simply tell you they are experienced in removing spells, but I can show you with your own eyes how I can and will remove whatever negative forces are against you. If you feel uncomfortable with a "healer" helping you thru the removal, then I can simply give you the info on "how to do it" yourself. For more info pls contact me ASAP. Blessings