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Come to understand numerology and what your name mean******NO SUGAR COAT***NUMEROLOGY+TAROT CARDS+INTUITION IN A PACKAGE CUSTOMIZED FOR EACH ONE.***Numerology Compatibility***Come to see if u are compatible with ur lover***FAMILY PATH***CAREER***JOB***DIVORCE*** .For each answer you get numerology, tarot and my intuition.A triple answered accuracy of my advice.
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Now it's your turn, I don't sugar-coat, I have no reason to and I only say what I see. My goal in life is to help as many people as possible. There is nothing to fear unless you are worried about the truth. Ever since I was a child I always had an idea I was different to other girls and from the age of fifteen I had always worked with helping others in the property world and was very successful in this line of work and enjoyed dealing with people and they were always drawn to me to help them and advise them of choices they had to make. I only found my gift later on in life when different circumstances happened to me through out my teenage years. I have always felt the urge to give people messages but really did not understand what I was dealing with and I always thought we could all do this and had the gift. In the early years I thought it was just guess work or me being lucky. My Mediumship work really took off when my father passed away in 1998 very quickly and this I believed opened me up to question my ability and what was it that was giving me the information. I wanted to know how am I able to do this and what was my purpose in life. The loss of someone close can often lead us to search for spiritual truth, but for me begin of the meeting a medium after the death of my father proved a turning point from which i never looked back. As a psychic reader online I am highly intuitive and completely non-judgemental. I am warm and sincere in all my psychic readings. This helps you to see and understand what is around you and help you towards making your dreams a reality. I specialize in love, and relationship psychic readings online, but I warmly welcome all other questions that may come along. I provide powerful, high-integrity readings with detailed information. I'm an open minded, straight shooter with a reputation for honesty and accuracy in answering your most heartfelt questions. I have the ability to sense EXACTLY what is going on with you, your life, and those around you. Yes, even the deep "stuff" you think no one knows about, and think no one will understand... I can see it, sense it, and compassionately help you bring it to light. I've been known to shock a few skeptics wit.