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Yogiraj Astrologer

How it Works
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Aids and Empowers

I use my natural Psychic abilities along with Wiccan Teachings to help you.

Psychic, Tarot Cards, Crystal, Astrology, Aura, Rune Stones. Angel Cards, Voice Vibratios readings Numerology Cards Dice Lotto, Horoscopes Daily Weekly Monthly.

Clairvoyant from childhood, I am an ordained non-denominational minister. I am full-time professional psychic, published metaphysical author, spiritual life coach and seminar presenter. 

Early in life, I began my long examination of comparative religions, Eastern and Western mystical traditions, astrology, indigenous spiritual practices, the Gnostic texts, the physics of spiritual reality, New Age philosophy, paranormal phenomena and alternative/energetic healing modalities. 

My years of dedication and devotion to others in need have taught me the transcendent power of love, which is the theme I have based my life and readings upon.

As an outstanding clairvoyant, I am blessed with the ability to perceive and to interface with full color auras, thought forms, angelic beings and the vibrating energetic matrix of life. I am also a gifted deep trance channel, a Tarot interpreter and an exceptional psychic. Using my “over-the-horizon radar” to assist others see their way along the path ahead. Using all of these abilities, I can help you with relationship issues, including romantic and family dynamics, children/sibling/parent readings and of course, work relationships. 

I will assist you with spiritual questions and crises,  financial dilemmas, known and unknown causes of stress and distress, exploration of future choices, connecting with greater Truth for you and your loved ones, and many more. 

With my strong empathetic skills, I have helped hundreds of seekers to find direction and compassion amid the clutter and distractions of modern society.

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