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I WILL GUIDE YOU TOWARDS HAVING EXACT ANSWER SUCH AS NAMES, DATES, ETC.There is a guiding path to follow in order to achieve the things you want. Free will can change that path. I have always lived spiritual 24 hours per day all the time. The dates, times, etc. I guide you to are very much accurate and people find them extremely accurate, but they are given on a spiritual plane and you must live spiritual to bring these about. I can tell you how to do that.
and believe that every person I have read for was directed to me for a reason!Information comes into me in the from of words, phrases,images and symbols It's important to keep in mind that most things are not carved in concrete and stone, while some things are fate and destined Call me now and I will lead you to a path of happiness My readings reflect what is most likely to happen given the circumstances of the recent past and present that have led up to the situation. I will assist you in finding a path that will lead to a more desired outcome. When I talk with you I will give you names,time frames, descriptions and exact information. I have helped people all over the world and have even worked with royalty in other countries and government officials. I not only tell you the future, I tell you how to correct some of the obstacles. I give you exact facts. If they are cheating I will tell you with whom, if they love you I will give you details. I pride myself in honesty. I have repeat business due to honest and accuracy. I also do dream interpretation, and communicate with deceased relatives. Please give me a call.