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Yogiraj Astrologer

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American Blood

Through suraksha kavach mantra, I am able to use to stop the spells or tantra being cast or suppose to be cast on you or your family.

I'm parapsychologist. I investigate hauntings, deal with the metaphysical

"Hello and welcome!! I am an honest american blood with clear and well defined psychic abilities. I'm in working parapsychologist.  I investigate hauntings,deal with the metaphysical.Finance can be haunting.My primary interest here is vocation and the choices you my face in deciding if you should change the type work you do, stay with it or make a lateral move, based on what I can pick up. I want to see if you are on the right path for success.

If you business will do well falter or fail. Perhaps it will bounce back. We will look for pitfalls, things that make you stumble. How co workers view you and how those above you view your ability. Sometimes we can help guide you to better decisions.Help you plan strategies, and better be prepared for the unknown. Of course the Law Of Attraction will play a role in your success.

I will never make judgments that are not my purpose.

I will normally begin with tarot. This is interactive. I will ask you if you identify with particular cards along the way.This is my way of getting confirmation for accuracy. I am most concerned with accuracy.


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