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Wiccan Witch and former Salem professional Witch offers High Magick and Ritual for those in need. Serious inquiries ONLY!
Masters of Divinity and Certification from the ATA. 10 Years online experience as a Spiritual advisor, Psychic Reader and Life Coach. High Priestess with High Magick and Ritual training.
Merry Meet! Its lovely to have the chance to introduce myself to you. My name is Laura. I typicaly work under the Magickal name of Amphora Blue. I am a High Priestess which means that I have gone through dedicant training to achieve the highest training one can in Ritual Magick. I work with the law of three. What does this mean? It means that anything I send out in this world, good or bad, comes back to me by three. This essentially means that I will not perform black magick or magick that goes against the freewill of another. My work is very in depth and is very much a tool for change be it for a relationship, a professional situation or even a spiritual one. I do not meddle in simple affairs. I will not give you a reconciliation spell lest I see that there is a reason for you two to come back together. This is why I perform readings which are included in the price of a spell or ritual to make sure that the work is going to be beneficial. Spells are not miracles. I cannot make someone love you who does not already have those emotions for you. My spells and rituals work like a recipe. I have to start at the bottom and work my way up. For example if you are seeking a ritual for bringing someone back and there is ample evidence in the readings showing that there are obstacles stopping this but the person otherwise cares for you and still loves you then I begin first with tackling the obstacles that are currently impeding the situation. This ensures not just that the ritual works on all levels but also that you are not getting back the same person with the same issues so that the same cycle can be repeated. I work in accordance to the moon phases. For spells requiring growth or to bring something to you I work in the waxing or full moon. Spells requiring removal or the lessening of something I work with the waning moon. This also renders results in about 28 Lunar days. My spells and rituals are tailored to the specific person and their specific situation. The price of all my spells includes a reading. Should the reading show that there is no point in spell work then the buck stops there. If however we determine that a spell can assist we will move to the next phase. In closing I offer this: Do not meddle in spell work and be darn sure of what you want. I have seen many who have wanted one thing one moment and when they received it found it was not suiting their highest good. Magick is not something to toy with. Furthermore before you hire someone for work pay close attention to who you are hiring. Ask questions, research what you think you need so that you may ask the appropriate questions to figure out whether or not this person is genuine. Do not worry about asking too many questions, anyone worth their muster is going to answer them and encourage you to use discretion in hiring someone for this sort of work. And if they are not, then run in the opposite direction! Blessed be!