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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Angel Card Power

Assured results through genuine reading, truth and no sugarcoating delivered with quick connections by world renowned astrologer.

I am a certified master Tarot reader, and a talented psychic with gifts given to me at birth. A teacher and practioner of rootwork, I have assisted many people in renewing their relationships and getting what they need in life.

SPECIAL PROMOTION for repeat clients! Ask for details via Email :)

First of all I would like to tell you something about me which is very important. My life as a psychic reader and medium began with a miracle. I remember I was small around six years in age when I went out from my house for playing. My house was situated near railway tracks. I was warned several time for not to go near railway tracks because there was some kind of danger. But that day out of curiosity and because I wanted to do something new, amazing and exciting I went near railway tracks to see what it looks like. I was so happy that I started playing and running beteeen them.

Suddenly a long train started coming from the opossite side. When it came so near to me I fainted. Train was running from me and I was lying between the tracks. Its sound was so loud that it started striking in my mind and my brain. my eyes were closed tightly. Suddenly something happened, I started to see everything even when my eyes were closed. I was also able to count the number of coaches of train which were exactly thirty four in number. 

It was that time when my sixth sense got awakened and I was able to see with my closed eyes. I was also able to hear with my ears closed. I was able to hear things that were happending at remote place. my taste buds got enhansed because of which tongue even started sense taste of the things without I eating them. 

My Gift includes readings for past lives, dream interpretation, current situations and difficulties, future predictions, communication with your Angels and Spirit Guides, how to manifest your Destiny, contact with loved ones who have crossed over, and Channeling.

From life experience, visions, dreams and premonitions, I am accurate, caring and understanding. I am a professional Counselor and Teacher. I offers wisdom and guidance from The Universe, your Angels, Spirit Guides, and loved ones who are on the other side.

I can assist you with discovering your angels, your gaurdian angel, how to manifest all that you want, need and desire in your life. I can teach you how to live your dreams!

Learn how to communicate with your Angles and to find your personal Guardian Angel and call them into your life for help.

Blessings to all on your journey in this lifetime :)

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