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I have over 10 years experience healing and a lifetime of providing accurate readings and insight.. I have experience on 6 major global psychic and esoteric sites.. I have a high repeat client ratio due to the accuracy of my readings
Certified Theta and Reiki Healer Teacher 0ver 15 years experience giving psychic readings and tarot readings
Experienced Psychic Channel, Reiki Master and Metaphysical Master.I offer Channeling/Tarot Reading / Oracle Cards, Angels Readings, Relationship and Dating Advice , Career Guidance to answer your questions and guide you in making important life decision. I provide the best tips and tools to navigate the Dating and Relationship arena. My approach really works, I have helped men and women from all over the world for many years. I have helped people cope with their life and personal issues. My readings and wisdom will bring you clarity. I will also be able to give you some extra information on how to get the best out your relationship, work, life or any other area you might need help. With my approach you would gain deeper knowledge and insight of your truth self. You would discover your highest potential. Locating possible blockages and finding ways to release them. Helping you to get out of ruts and start new cycles. Finding strength, hope and empowerment