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Reaching BeyondRemote ViewingUSA Psychics
$1.99 per minute$I charge one flat rate per reading/picture of $15.
I am a psychic-medium clairvoyant who does paranormal investigations at supposed haunted locations using remote viewing.
I have been reading pictures for years and have an extremely high return rate and accuracy.
I am a psychic-medium clairvoyant who gives readings based on pictures. I require no upfront info to do this, such as d.o.b., name, age, or location. I do not cold read. I give mediumistic readings off of pictures of the deceased, general reads of off your own personal picture, and also do readings of homes & properties that may be experiencing paranormal activity. I am able to do this via remote viewing. Besides being clairvoyant, I am also clairgustant, clairsentient, clairalient, claircongnizant. The types of pictures I read depend on what the person requesting the reading is trying to achieve. Just be aware of the following types before you request a reading, so you are prepared to provide the proper type of photo allowing you to benefit fully from the reading. 1- Houses/Buildings/Structures/Land & Property This type of reading seems to be what is requested of me most often, for the purpose of trying to identify the source, cause, and identity of supposed spirit activity or hauntings. I give a reading based on the information that I receive psychically and/or mediumistically by looking at the house/building/structure/land/property and sort of "seeing through" the picture, kind of like looking at 3D art. The best way I can describe it is that I can look at it, and sort of mentally see through the walls, like the outside wall is cut off and I can see the entire layout of the building. I can see present activity and actual past events centered in or around the site in a postcongnitive fashion. 2- Deceased Loved Ones This type of reading is usually requested of me by people that either want to know more about the life of a deceased loved one out of curiosity, or in some cases, to know details surrounding an untimely or mysterious passing. I find people also request this when there had been turmoil in the person's life either with themselves, others or with the person requesting the reading and the person requesting the reading wants finality or closure of some sort. This is a mediumistic reading, as I am able to make actual contact with the deceased. Sometimes they show me their favorite memories of their life in general, and memories of their life with you and others. Sometimes they have messages for you to pass on to other loved ones, so it is best to share details of a reading with close friends and family members, especially if some of it isn't familiar or is too symbolic. I find that the bulk of information is usually instantaneously recognized by the reader, but there are details that take a couple of days to become clear, either by thinking of what they were trying to say or by sharing this information with loved ones. 3- General, Personal Psychic Reading This is essentially a reading where you present a picture of yourself presented as-is and just see what I can pick up and not specifying information you hope for me to provide, hence it being a general reading. This involves many different aspects and covers many territories, though I can't guarantee what will happen beforehand. There are so many different and varying things that I see. It's a potpourri of past, present, and future images, covering different aspects of a person's life. Should you have any actual questions that weren't answered during my reading, feel free to ask. I will do my best to answer them if I can. I won't ever just give you a guess or an answer. If I don't have one, I will tell you. A lot of times, deceased loved ones will come through during a reading. Sometimes to say hi, sometimes to give advice to you or for you to pass along to a loved one, and sometimes even to apologize for things they did to you or others while they were still living. One person could show up, or five people could, each reading is different. However, I can't guarantee that anyone will show up at all. I also pick up on life experiences, and in a few rare cases, have even picked up on past life experiences, though usually when that happens, the person being read is aware of them as well, either through deja vu, dreams, or after undergoing past life regression. Once again, this is not guaranteed, and not even likely, as is has only happened a handful of times. If you were meant to know, you'll know. When doing an initial reading, I usually do a visual body "scan". I scan the person for ailments and illness, injuries and pain. While I find most people are appreciative of the info I pass along, it is by no means a substitue for seeing a doctor, or should be taken as medical advice of any kind. I am not a doctor. All I can do is relay what I see and give you my personal, unprofessional opinion, just as a friend would. What Kind of Picture Do You Need For Each Different Type of Reading? Houses/Buildings/Structures/Land & Property When doing a reading of this type, I ONLY need a shot of the entire FRONT of the building making sure to include the whole structure without it cropped, or one picture of the land itself (such as a landscape shot). I do not need, and do not want a picture of the room where the activity seems to be centered. This is because most activity in a building & the like actually does occur in more than one area, even if you may not experience it, and I like to see the building as a whole to see what areas are affected. It is also important for me to see the building from the outside because sometimes it is the land itself that has the activity and that plays an important role in the reading, and beyond that, I can almost see through the house, sort of like looking at it with the front cutoff. This enables me to see layouts and also reassures you that the info I'm telling you is legitimate. I don't want to know about what rooms the activity is in, or what type, etc. I like to be completely unbiased in the process, and if there is activity or a spirit presence, I'll be able to pick up on it anyway, without being told beforehand. Deceased Loved Ones When doing a reading of this type, I need a picture that only has that one person in it. It doesn't matter if it was their most recent picture taken in life or not, though if the person was elderly, giving me a picture of them as a toddler is a slightly different matter. It can either be a head shot or a full-length picture, it makes no difference either way. I ask that you give me no prior knowledge of the way they died, when, etc. When I am doing a reading of this type, they show me how it happened anyway. General, Personal Psychic Reading For this type of reading, like the others, I need one picture of just you in it. It doesn't have to be terribly recent, and can be either a head-shot or full-length shot.