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Yogiraj Astrologer

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I am a fourth generation psychic master. You can ask me questions in occult sciences, tarots, numerology, astrology, love relationships, marriage.

About My Services ASTROLOGY....NUMEROLOGY....TAROT.....RUNES....OCCULT......PSYCHIC READING....SPIRITUAL...ASK ME ANY THING....... I am a Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Astrologist, Rune stones Reader, Dream Analyzer Reiki master grade 3 and a Past life reading Expert. I can also see problems in the occult. Occult points out to the potentialities, capabilities and limitations of the individual. But how far we shall develop the desirable traits and overcome those which are undesirable depends upon the exercise of free will. Occult shows the way but it is for us to decide.Fate knocks at the door. But it is up to us to bid her enter or keep her out. Tarot throws open wide fields of valuable knowledge, and enlarges our sphere of consciousness. It enables us to be master rather than victim of circumstances. When we attempt to arrive at a solution for our problems it is essential to study main his relation to the universe. Embedded in the structure of cosmos is the law of fatality. Life is a chain of successive causes and effects link upon link, but whereas fatality is the process of nature, freedom is the essence of human nature. And free will is the highest possession of a human being.

I am a reader in occult sciences. I also combine astrology and numerology when I deal with occult problems. I have been studying these arts for over 20 years. I am able to make astrological charts and compatibility analysis. These two arts can be used to predict future, help deal with personal issues and give advice. Dream analysis is also a gift of mine. I am a Reiki Master, and give my Reiki for free when reading. Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique, using the universal energy, Qi. I have been a Reiki Master for just over twenty years. Another of my gifts includes the ability to clear physical illnesses, by discovering what is causing the problem and working through it with you. Looking at past lives and their affect upon the present life is another skill I have. I am an experienced Tarot reader, with many different decks I can use. All you need to submit is your name, birthday, time and place.

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