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Tarot ReadingBreakup and DivorceLove And Dating OutlookPsychic Attack ReadingSpell CastingSpell RemovingPsychic MediumAngels Psychic ReadingsDecision Making ReadingsDirection Psychic Readings
$2.99 per minute$$50 email reading- tell me your situation- pour your heart into this so i can put this energy into your spell
As a Psychic medium i channel angels and guides and i use angel oracle cards to tell a deeper story about your path in life.
I am a natural born psychic medium channel with clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient and empathic abilities. I have over 15 years experience reading for friends, family, coworkers and employers. I have a passion for channelling energy by any means and have samples of my crystal ball channel visions on my website. Seeing is believing! Drop by intuitive-way to view them or wait for the book i am finalizing to hit the stands. I connect with you and then to my guide (or yours) to provide you accurate insight into your life and the events surrounding you. My readings are not only honest and forthcoming but also compassionate. Keep in mind that messages channeled through me are future possibilities, and that you have the free will to change future events. I am a spiritual coach and reiki healing master & teacher. I aim to heal the mind body and spirit of my clients. Additional healing therapies include Natural Health Counseling reflexology, myofascial release, Trigger point therapy
I connect to your inner consciousness and get you to relax while we connect. Then i connect to my guides and/or your guides. I receive information in words, symbols, scenes and a knowing. I then channel the information to you.