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I am master in Feng Shui and can tell you effective remedies according to your situation
I am BA. I am master in Feng Shui..i am Feng Shui Consultant or practitioner.i am suggest the improve the environment and harmony in any home or business using the five elements, colour,xuan kong flying, cures for problem areas,star positioning of furnishings etc, and much more.
Welcome To Feng Shui Tips
A good Feng Shui Consultant or practitioner is suggest ways the improve the environment and harmony in any home or business using the five elements, colour,xuan kong flying, cures for problem areas,star positioning of furnishings etc, and much more. Feng Shui is used by millions of people all over the world to enhance and attract good health,wealth and relationships.
The Xuan Kong is system addresses of the time dimension of Feng Shui is given property (home or office). This is an analysis of the interaction of elements ( metal, water and wood,fire, earth,) within the different sectors of property. we put together an annual cures kit, which cures and enhances good and bad stars; there are essential for every home and office.
If you were thinking of building a house, this is the time when we analyse the natal chart (flying star chart as below) to establish the best locations for the allotment of important rooms in order to harness and all doors and the beneficial distribution of energy. the property will have good and bad stars, the secret is a placing the good stars in places like an office, lounge or dining room ,badroom and the bad ones in places like a bathroom,kitchen,, en-suite, utility room or clock room.