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$2.99 per minute$$25 for Aura reading, prices may vary for Aura Cleansing
I can Read, Smell and Taste a person’s aura. I have been teaching classes on how to read auras for many years, and I can teach you.I am One Of The Most Sought After Aura Readers.
A third generation psychic with over 25 years of experience in BS Psychology. I am a 5th generation, natural-born psychic. My guides communicate telepathically with me and have been doing so since the early age of 5.
History of the Aura
The science and art of medicine that was initially one, and then split in two,
are now approaching reunion. The healing science that became traditional
medicine and alternative medicine is slowly becoming the healing sciences. The
history of this topic is extensive - extending back thousands of years.
5000 years ago, ancient spiritual tradition of India spoke of a universal source
of life. The energy is called "prana." This universal energy is the breath of
life, which moves through all forms to give one life. Yogis work with this
energy through breathing techniques, meditation, and physical exercise to
produce altered states of consciousness and longevity.
What is an Aura?
In the basic form, the aura embodies seven energy layers, which are powered
through seven major energy centers called "chakras." The chakras are energized
by the storehouse of vital energy, otherwise known as the "Kundalini" or the
"Root or Base chakra," which is located at the base of the spine. Life energy
should flow naturally up the spine with that energy radiating out each chakra
and exiting through the "Crown" chakra (located at the top of the head). The
aura surrounds the physical body in all directions. It is three-dimensional, and
in a healthy person is elliptical in shape. In the average individual, it will
extend eight to ten feet around the body. The shape, size, colors, and the
clarity of colors, all indicate specific things about one's physical, emotional,
mental and spiritual well-being.
The aura (or human energy field) is composed of two aspects that include the
energies of one's subtle bodies, as described in traditional metaphysics (bands
of energy of varying intensity). The main function of these subtle energies is
to help coordinate and regulate the soul's activities in the physical life. The
first aspect of the aura is to help show us the soul lessons involved in prior
(past) lives, that are now represented as Universal Lessons to be learned in our
present lives. The second aspect of the aura is energy emanations of the human
body itself. The human body, (according to modern science) is composed of
electrical, magnetic, sound, light, and electro-magnetic energy fields. Some of
these energy fields are generated within the body and others are received from
outside and then transformed by the body. This occurs through a natural
interaction between one energy field and another. We are capable of absorbing
the energies of plants, trees, flowers, animals, other people, and even earth
Children and the Aura:
Very young children (up to 5 years of age) see auras naturally. Infants
frequently look ABOVE a person in front of them. When they don't like the color
of the aura above the head, or if this color is much different from their
parent's aura, they cry, no matter how much smiling the person does.
Children have much cleaner and stronger auras than most of adults, who are
usually completely enslaved by the materialistic world and suppress their Nature
by following superficial examples. When I taught my 12 year old son to see his
own Aura, he told me that when he was little he was able to see Auras most of
the time. But no one paid any attention, so he thought that it was not important
and maybe there was something wrong with his eyesight. This is a typical
scenario. In my opinion children should learn to see and read Auras in a primary
school, so they never lose this natural ability.
Why do we need to see auras ?
Colors and intensity of the aura, especially around and above the head have VERY
special meanings. Watching someone's aura you can actually see the other
person's thoughts before you hear them expressed verbally. If they do not agree
with what this person is saying, you effectively see a lie every time. No one
can lie in front of you undetected. We cannot fake the Aura. It shows our True
Nature and intentions for everyone to see.Also, aura is our spiritual signature.
When you see a person with a bright, clean aura, you can be SURE that such
person is good and spiritually advanced, even if he/she is modest and not aware
of it. When you see a person with a gray or dark aura, you may be almost SURE,
that such person has unclear intentions, regardless how impressive, eloquent,
educated, "good looking" or "well dressed" he/she seems to appear.
It is ESPECIALLY important to check the aura of any religious leader, "spiritual
teacher", "master" or a "guru". Such a person should have a clearly defined
yellow-golden halo around the head. If he/she does not have it, you are MUCH
better on your own.Joining a sect or a religion that is led by incompetent
people without good Auras is very dangerous for your consciousness. Where is the
danger ? When the time comes to really use the information stored in your
consciousness from this lifetime, there may be almost nothing useful there, if
you focus your life on following rituals and the flock of other people. In such
case it is necessary to re-learn everything from the beginning. Most sect,
religion and political leaders have only two things in mind: money and power to
control people. And you can SEE it in their Aura for yourself. Imagine changes
on Earth if many people can see Auras of their leaders and start choosing them
on the basis of their Auras.
By reading Aura it seems possible to diagnose malfunctions in the body
(diseases) long before physical symptoms become evident. By consciously
controlling your Aura you can actually heal yourself.However, healing of the
physical body is nothing in comparison to what seeing and reading auras can do
for our consciousness, spiritual development and our awareness of
Nature.Everyone has an Aura. But most people on Earth have VERY WEAK and dull
Auras. This seems to be a direct consequence of their life long materialistic
attitude negating and suppressing the development of consciousness, cultivating
fear, envy, jealousy and other similar emotions. Such attitude suppresses their
True Nature, and their Auras seem to become suppressed too.
How to see aura colous:-
Many people can sense the aura and some can see it. When you have stood close to
a stranger have you ever 'felt' their personality- something we sometimes call
the 'human atmosphere'? For example, you may have visited a married couples
house and inadvertently interrupted a row. They greet you with sweet smiles and
pretend nothing has happened but behind this façade you can feel a pressure like
the moment before a thunderstorm. You are sensing the emotions from their auras
and this is why you know that something is wrong despite their pretence. You
have experienced the projected personality of the person through their aura.
Perhaps you have also at some time experienced psychic sight and seen the aura
but have been too embarrassed to talk about it for fear of ridicule by
non-believers. Trust what you sense and see and stand by what you know to be
true for this is a natural phenomenon. Fortunately many more people today are
having the courage to talk about their spiritual experiences which are proving
to be more common place than would once have been expected.