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Our past lives so often set the pattern. Can that pattern be changed? Do you want it to?
Clairsentient, clairvoyant and clairaudient from birth Tarot - 23 years Channeling angels and guides - 20 years Dream Interpretation - 15 years Past life assistance - 20 years Numerology - 12 years Crystals and Stones readings - 12 years Aura reading over 20 years Runes - 12 years Ordained Minister-4/20/02 Interviewed on WXBH, Dec/01/02 Published Author- Eldhin Island: The Beginning I have worked for several other psychic companies as a featured psychic and I am willing to help you! :)
I can help you with answers about love, money, relationships. In order to learn from the past, we have to open the doors. Sometimes changing the issues that are going on today require seeing what patterns we have set up in our past lives. Be prepared for direct answers. Not everyone is famous, not all past lives were negative. What do you need to learn from these lives? When youre ready for the answers I will help you. All these and much more. Honest, accurate and compassionate answers!