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Aura ScanDream Symbols InterpretationLove and RelationshipsBreakup and DivorceCompatibility CheckDating Pattern RepairLove And Dating OutlookMarital LifeNew Love PotentialParents And ChildrenRelationship RepairIntuition BuilderPast Lives and PurposePsychic ReadingDecision Making ReadingsDirection Psychic ReadingsLove And RomanceUSA Psychics
$2.50 per minute$$15 to $100 (depending on service and questions asked)
Why is my child so against me, why don't they listen, well maybe its more to the story , and we can work together to find a different approach.
BA: Psychology-Natural Born Psychic and Energy Healer.Expertise utilized on Chat Readings, Forum Readings, Phone Readings, & Various Websites.
I will use my skills to help clients attain the goal of ultimate truth, love, and enlightenment. I use no artifacts or materials to do readings or to guide people I use only my mind and my abilities from within to spread the truth into ones soul. I only tell clients the truth not what they want to hear. I tell them what they need to hear and let them choose what the next step should be in their lives. I help guide them toward their destined path, which would be beneficial toward their goal, but I do not interfere as to tell them which path to take.
I do not use any information such as birth-dates, only your name.I use my clairaudient (communication), clairvoyant (sight), clairsentience (feeling) skills to give readings to those who are in need. I do not use any tools or other divination devices to attain the answers, my information derives from within. My accuracy is dependent upon your feedback, which should be proof enough. I focus on questions about love, relationships, past lives, future, stress, dreams, spiritual and psychic growth and development. I give general readings in which no questions are asked but themes are discussed. Questions, when asked should be direct (specific), please do not give information such as birth-dates, and in-depth details, again all I need is the name, your question, or topic.My Focus
My readings are a guidance tool in which clients could see another way of looking at a situation. Clarity and accuracy is dependent upon the clients objective fore freewill is still apart of the outcome of every situation and answer that arises. I look within to your soul foundation and reach your true self through frequency, vibration, and energy. I can unlock you DNA code and help you to better see, feel, and know thy truth. I can tap into your whole being and explore the different routes that you have taken and can and will take to bring peace and oneness to ones self. I will help you see that there is no such thing as restriction and help you reach beyond restricted cycles and depriving thoughts to help you manifest all that you want and will become. There are numerous of paths to take in every life but in order to get to the truth one sometimes may need guidance. I will use my skills to help you attain the goal of ultimate truth and love. I will answer all questions to the best of my abilities and all readings will be sent to your mailbox. **I know that some are not ready to hear the truth so if you want me to spread false hopes, and false dreams with spells and other renditions then I am not willing to lie or cheat someone out of their money.**See What Others had to Say
"It took me a few times reading over my reading before I understood completely. but my mum said it was very accurate!! really impressed. she actually joined just to get a reading from you!!!"
"Hi, Cyn! How on earth do you have time to help all of us? You are an amazing soul!"
"Thank you again for your reading. It really relates to the main issue that I am facing at the moment. Particularly with what I want."
"Wow Cynth don't think i thought of it like that.. :O That's true you give so much and it must be hard, I dont think many of us have been as giving as you are. tysm =]"
Understanding Time Predictions
Time is seen and created by each individual as a universal whole, in which there is no restriction- only manifested by choices, in which things can be changed according to all the above, so the overall outcome would change as well to produce the predicted or foreseen so called future, at once with the present. So if a "medium" as one may say, predicted your future and was valid it was because your choices followed along the same path that you already created from the "past" (when the reading was done) to the present which is at once with the future...makes sense? Therefore, that is why time can be exact and changed along with the overall choice. Time is everlasting and ever changing (no restriction). ***NO FREE READINGS***