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Would you like to find out if your partner is your soul mate? Are they right for you and will there be harmony between you? Contact me for accurate details.
PsyD Counseling Psychology, PhD Psychology - (with honors), PhD Natural Medicine, DA Religious Studies -(with distinction).
I was born with certain natural gifts such as the ability to know the future through my dreams and premonitions of coming events; which later turned out to be true. I had vivid past life recalls spontaneously as a child. Deja vu has been a constant companion of mine. I started to give past life readings to my friends and family when I was 13 years old and later began to give readings professionally. I studied in University where I earned doctorates in Psychology, Natural Medicine and Religious Studies. I began to practice Psychology but found that the way I had been taught to counsel was cumbersome and my clients were slow to progress past what was bothering them. So, I began to include my natural gifts in my counseling practice to get to the bottom of their difficulties and found at that point that the combination of counseling psychology and my esoteric perceptions created speedy progress for them. I first started to practice psychology in 1993 and was inundated from all directions by numerous clients in need of help but lacking the time and money to go through the traditional counseling route.
So I developed a more streamlined series of therapies that alleviated long extensive counseling periods and eased the suffering that most experience in traditional therapy. Creating new therapies I combined energy healing techniques from India,Tibet and China as well as traditional counseling and psychology such as Jungian and other gestalt methods. I founded PhoenixClinicWorld in 1993. A world clinic dedicated to the treatment of the growing phenomena of alienation issues worldwide caused by the encroachment on he inner and outer space of persons due to advancing technology,mass media,aberrant governments,energy pollution and cult religious organizations. Later in 2007, I founded Merkavah University (MU) an accredited spiritual healing university based on ancient healing practices from around the world and placed in my care by the wishes of my god parents, the late 20th. century philosopher Manly P. Hall, and his wife Maria Bauer Hall, the creator of Mother As God Organization. The Halls revived spiritual healing practices in North America in the 1920s. Merkavah University trains spiritual healers in energy healing and medicine.