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Reaching beyond this life to the next!~Let me show you there is no real death! Reconnect now with those you Love and Miss. They are waiting for you now. Lets begin now!
Over 25 years of experience in giving professional readings. Various workshops and conferences. I continue to study metaphysics and spirituality.
Hello, in all that I have done, been blessed to experience in the last 25 years of my journey, this area is probaly the most sacred and precious to me. For I've learned there is no death. This has come through my own pain, my own unwillingness to accept and let go. Being forced to give up a loved one for me, has been one of the most horrific experiences of my life. So, imagine my surprise when they all begin to make contact! My own dear ones, have taught me alot and now I am honored to bring yours in for you. Please be prepared to give me a name and bit of the situation in order to clear way for connection. Be ready for the rush of emotions the connection brings and blessings to you!