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35 years of psychic reading experience
My name is Brian Nagel, I believe in honesty and integrity, that is what my spiritual practice is based on. Through the empowerment of knowledge i offer my clients, who choice to listen, I am thankful. For it is not I you truly recieve from, but the channel of a higher place in consciousness. I stabilise the unknown making the past, present and predicted future of the spiritual, emotional, physical trends known. I ask for no judgement until tested. I inform you like any sincere practice clients built up likes and dislikes, i am much the same you might not like the way i work, for the things i reveal can be scarcely and of curious subjects, sometimes not directly related to what you "think" you want but to what you need to know, there is difference my friend. I basically look for true clients who want true answers, and if you are not the following then please look elsewhere, it will be a waste of both our time. All reading are private and confidential, I also am an update man, i like updates, and always find the time to email my clients back or to check in from time to time. Service in a field as complex as this is all about love and care, and thats what i give you on top of a reading. I want you to be empowered, uplifted but most importantly prepared. The max 5 minute (free of charge) connection process is simple and easy all i ask is for you to be open and filled with love, for others and most importantly yourself. All I need is a name :)