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Aura ScanPsychic ReadingReaching Beyond
$1.99 per minute$$10.00 daily, $30.00 weekly $50.00 monthly
Aura Scan This is a energy technique. You could several Aura colors or there could be a heavy aura field. Let me answer this for you. Do you have a rainbow Aura?
ordained minister,reiki master,colour energy
As a empathic healer and reader. A clairvoyant. I see and feel things others may not. Have you ever felt different and thought you heard your name. I have those answers. That happened to me when I was only 6 years old and Now many years later I use these wonderful gifts to help others. I can answer questions from the past,present,future. I have studied in crystal readings and healings. Laws of attraction. I have done healing and readings for over 20 years. I know work with others on a personal level from my home to writing articals on healing. After years I have decided to help others around the world. I have done life coaching,mentoring. Held work shops and seminars. These workshops were on essential oils for the chakras,meditations,Grounding techniques, How to make your own chakra oils. Why you should learn these and what purpose are they used for.