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Native American blood and feel that i have been blessed with my wonderful gift, i am empathic, a medium , pet psychic and can tell you what the future holds for you!
Whatever your concerns may be, whether love, finances, career, spiritual, anything that has been hanging over your head or heavy on your mind, I believe i can help you.
I have read the Tarot for more than 30 years now and it is a gift that has been passed through my Romani family's generations. I have read for countless people in my life. it is my calling to serve in this way to all who seek help. I will tell you the truth in the cards laid out on the table, no more, no less. "The cards don't lie, and neither will I" has been my motto since i started reading for others in my late teens.
If you feel a connection with me, and want an accurate reading, call me, I am here for you. We both win, you get the advice and truth you seek and I get to help with my gift, which i hold very dear, and fulfill my work on this earth. I also offer hex removal and spells to further help your situation. **Please do not expect indepth readings with a two or three minute call.. when you call, my hands will shuffle the cards, but it is you who decides when to stop and lay them out...I just say what the cards tell me to say, nothing more, nothing less, I am not the controller of your life,you are, try not to shoot the messenger please.Especially if you do not like what the cards have to say.
I would also like to thank all the wonderful people who have called me already. And also the people who call in the future...