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Celeste V

Over 15 year experience. HONEST, ACCURATE, CLAIRVOYANT Reader, providing readings and advice in all areas of your life. I can help call NOW!

Chat, Phone and Live Readings, Private Home Readings, Private Business Readings, Event Readings.

Hi, my name is “Celeste”, I have known for as long as I can remember that I was blessed with special gifts, and that I was created and put on this earth to care about, care for, and guide those around me. At the age of 13, I started putting it all together. I am a clairvoyant, clairsentient, empathic, psychic reader. I have helped people in the game of life for over 15 years. If it is love, money, career, companionship, or just to see what the universe has planned for you, I can help!! I accept boundaries, and respect the privacy of each and every client. I am non-judgmental and I am open to any situation. All of my friends will tell you that sincerity, compassion, and honesty are my strongest qualities. Please be prepared to open up to me, and willing to hear the truth. I will not give you false hopes, promises, or sugar coat your reading. I believe that new doors open when old ones close and that sometimes we are so consumed with what we envision for ourselves that we miss opportunities in our lives that were right before our eyes. I also believe that NO ONE comes into our lives mistakenly and that every single person we cross paths with in our lives have a purpose. Please understand if those from your past have not made it into your future, there is a reason for that. I don’t know how many times I have had returning clients call just to tell me that they were mad and upset when I told them that it was time to move on and that they wanted to thank me now because their lives are better then they have ever been, they just couldn’t see it then. There are also those who tell me that they doubted the reconnection as I predicted, but that it happened and it opened both sets of eyes. If there were no challenges for us, there would be no appreciation or gratitude for the blessings we receive. How could you possibly know that you were in the right relationship if you haven’t had learned from the wrong ones? Think about it! Tough, but TRUE! No one ever said that the game of life was easy. Knowing circumstances beyond what you can see assists in judgment, decisions, and the power to get through the harder paths in our lives. I thank God for granting us all free will. If we were not allowed to make our own decisions life would be perfect and we would leave this earth knowing nothing! I want to thank you for reading my bio and I look forward to chatting with you. Remember each day as you awake that there is no guarantee of a tomorrow. May you live life to its fullest and put your faith in GOD! Remember, you can’t get one day of your life back so don’t waste your precious time looking back. With all my love, Celeste

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