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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Col Ajay Astromoneyguru

Expertise In:

AstrologyNumerologyPalm ReadingVedic AstrologyBreakup and DivorceCheating And AffairsCompatibility Check


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$1.99 per minute$ Two questions plus one questions charge US$10+ 0 = Total US$10

Master of Numerology for love,health, lucky number for business,stock market,Improve your bank balance by numbers

Master of Commarce from Univercity of Rajasthan with gold medal in international banking and Finance ,Joytish Visharad (Masters of Astrology) in three methods K.P, PARSHARA, GEMANI, Gold medal in medical and financial astrology

More than 5000 of my astrology-related articles have published in leading news paper, magazines, and web sites. You see me on T.V. everyday. I am now available here to help you on your challenges, and answer all the burning questions in your mind through my expertise. Let me help you know the truth on your love, career, finance and relationships. I will need your birth details to analyze your present. Additionally, you can also seek my advice should you have interest in trading money markets. I produce astrological predictions on Bullion, crude oil, CURENCIES and world stock market. (Refer to my experience section to read my regular commentary on the markets.) Experience: - working as CEO in world ranking astrology web sites TV shows- Regular shows on (1)Sadhana (2)CNBC (AWAZ) (3)BTV Radio programme -Regular programme on 93.5 FM on every Thursday -Guest speaker on DUBAI FM 95.3, regular on astro-finance News papers (1) IBTIMES (International business times)USA (2) A Pakistani news (publish from Pakistan) (3) Economic times (4) Sharebazar n profit (publish from Gujrat and Mumbai) (5) Danik navjoyti (6) Nafa –nuksan (7) Smart investors (publish from gujrat, Mumbai and kolkatta) (8) Inform investors ( biggest share bazaar news paper of Mumbai and gujrat) (9) The money times ( most popular in stock and commodity dealers publish from 4 states 10 )The Economic revaluations (English and gujrati) Astrology writer - Col Ajay has been writing at national and international levels His write up are publishing regularly in 15 news papers and world fame web sites-15 web sites Magazines (1)Commodity market (popular in India ,USA, Canada, and U k) (2)Commodity canvas ( promoted by reliance group) (3)Commodity watch ( Biggest commodity magazines of Agri commodity) (4)Joytish manthan (5)Joytish chakra (6)Astrology and stars (7)Profit and You (8) (9)Astrology the soul of all

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