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Do you ever think about your past life? Would you not want to know what happened? I can tell you by connecting to your past.
Masters degree in feng shui and Chinese astrology Unique reader. God gifted Btec in counselling
I am known as the destiny teller as I am professionally experiential to tell your past, present and future. I have over 25 years on experience in this role and have been spiritually bought up by my grandmother. The first time I was known I could talk to spirits is when my own grandmother passed away and every were crying by her bedside, but I was the only one who was not tearful at all because I was sitting there talking to her. My family thought I went barmy but no one knew I was actually talking to my dead grandmother. Time went on passed away and then once when I predicted my father about a happening due to happen, that's when my family found out that I was blessed from god and was naturally a psychic.