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*KNOW THE TRUTH* FAST -HONEST Dyami is World Renown for his Compassion and Accuracy, Love, Dreams, Reunites Relationships, Soul Mates, Spells.
Dyami, an accomplished Empathic Psychic, has special talents with American Indian & Shamanic rituals & spiritual readings; hundreds of thousands successful consultations via person, phone & chat at East Coast metaphysical shops, psychic fairs, private gatherings & psychic lines. Continually growing skills is a personal goal for Dyami. Being adept in the study and practice of Shamanism, Native American, meditation techniques and anger management. Trained in substance abuse and stress management counselling.
Dyami has successfully read for many clients over the past 20 years. Being adept in the study and; practice of Shamanism, Native American, self empowerment, meditation techniques ; anger management. Trained in substance abuse ; stress management counseling. Dyami show's you the correct path on your journey ; guidance to finding inner peace within yourself. Dyami, an accomplished Empathic Psychic, has special talents with American Indian & Shamanic rituals & spiritual readings; hundreds of thousands successful consultations via person, phone & chat at East Coast metaphysical shops, psychic fairs, private gatherings & psychic lines. Continually growing skills is a personal goal for Dyami